Devotional: The Bible is a VERB

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Devotional: The Bible is a VERB
My son was learning about parts of speech this year. We started with nouns: people, places, and things. Then we moved onto verbs: action. That’s what got me thinking about the Bible. Most people think that it’s a noun. Well, it’s a thing, right? Technically, yes. It’s a book made of paper and binding. But, I believe that the Bible is a verb.

“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:22

James states that we are supposed to be “doers of the word”. Well, what’s the word? The Bible of course, God’s Word. So we are supposed to be doing what the Bible says, not just reading it.
It a word, a spoken command from God. The right response is acts of obedience.
The Bible is a verb. It is to be acted upon. We are to be in the word, studying it, memorizing it, applying it to our lives…being doers of the word.
God’s Word is life giving and it is supposed to be acted upon.

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