How to Decorate a Sunday School Classroom

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Girl holding picture frameThe Sunday School classroom is the center for Biblical learning and should offer a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for kids to worship and deepen their knowledge of God. One way to set the tone for life-changing moments and lessons is with colorful wall hangings, bulletin boards and table displays.
A decorated classroom sends a secret message; it says, “I care.” Show kids how excited you are and help them visualize the stories with the right pictures. Keep in mind, kids get bored, so don’t forget to swap out decorations or at least move them around quarterly.
Foam Signs: I love foam signs and often create them for ministry friends. They are messy during the creation process but once you’ve finished, you’ll have a great decoration. My Sunday School classes usually end up with fun, acronymic names like “TNT” or “GANG.” You can even use the word “School” or “Jesus.” Here’s how to make this classroom decoration.

  1. Buy a 2-inch or 3-inch thick block of foam sheeting.
  2. Use a pencil to draw the word on the foam, making it big. I’ve cheated and used a projector in the past.
  3. Trace the letters with a permanent marker then carve it out using a sharp knife.
  4. Finish this lightweight project with some craft paint. I like bright colors but you can make the sign look like a stone or rock too.
  5. Hang it easily by pushing the back on a large nail.

Picture Frames: Kids like displaying their artwork but sometimes Mom and Dad get a little over saturated with coloring pages. I urge kids to leave their art work occasionally wear everyone can see it. To avoid a thousand pushpin holes in the wall, I install picture frames. Buy inexpensive ones that are easy to swap out and place them in a block on a wall of the classroom. From time to time, display a few new artworks. It’s always a good idea to keep the pics at kids’ eye level. Kids shouldn’t have to strain to see their work.
Story Time Rugs: Comfy rugs that don’t stain easily make the perfect decorations for a classroom. A cozy rug invites kids to snuggle up and listen to the Bible story. I find that this kind of practical decoration is worth the cost because it serves many purposes – comfort for kids and hides imperfections in the existing flooring.
Sunday Calendars: You’ve heard of a month of Sundays? I use this calendar idea to incentivize kids to attend and decorate the classroom. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Cover the bulletin board with a solid color paper, stapling it in place.
  2. Cover the edges with a bulletin board strip.
  3. Cut out four or five large circles or shapes from construction paper, according to how many Sundays in the month.
  4. Write on each circle the title of the lesson and some exciting clues about what you’ll be doing that Sunday.

My kids always race to the bulletin board to see what’s happening in our next month of Sundays.
Crafting Centerpieces: Just about every Sunday, most classes have a craft. I arrange the craft supplies in the center of the tables, placing goodies in baskets for decorations. If I have exceptionally fidgety children who can’t resist touching, I place these items on my desk as a centerpiece. It’s fun to light a flameless candle and place a flower arrangement with the supplies. It’s an artsy centerpiece that kids love seeing.
Wall Murals: When I began in ministry in 1997, I loved using murals. Over the years, I’ve decided I like them less because I like changing my room decorations more often than practical if a mural is involved. However, many good Sunday School programs make murals a permanent part of their decorations. Some good ones I’ve seen: a puppet wall that doubled as a puppet stand, a futuristic city called the “City of God” and an artist’s studio. If you have someone in your ministry who has good skills with murals, by all means put them to work.
Read more about Mimi at her website Encouragement for Christians.

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