Creative Easter Snacks Ideas

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Don't just serve boring cupcakes! Need creative Easter snacks for an Easter teaching session? Instead of handing out pre-wrapped Little Debbie cakes and juice boxes (I’m guilty) why not combine a delicious snack with an activity? Try creative Easter snacks so kids can build and play with their food. Prevent staining those special holiday outfits by providing aprons or protective long-sleeved shirts kids can wear during snack time. I’m planning on trying all of these creative Easter goodies this year.
Easter grass cupcakes: The night before class, bake enough cupcakes for the whole class. I use a plain vanilla cake mix. Next, make a batch of Easter grass by combining coconut flakes and food coloring. Cover each cupcake with the grass. Before the snack time, arrange one cupcake on a placemat at each setting. Give kids bowls of candies, They get to add whatever candies they want to their cupcakes. They can design their own Easter grass arrangement.
Mini bundt nests: You need a mini bundt pan for this creative Easter snack. Bake up one bundt for each child. During class, put one bundt on a paper plate and let kids fill in the “nest” part of the bundt with frosting and treats.
Mini carrot patches: If you want a healthier option for your kids, then this idea is perfect. Buy a bag of mini carrots with the tops attached. If you can’t find them with tops, you can use parsley leaves to make carrot tops. Fill a mini clay pot (with no holes in the bottom) with hummus or ranch dip. Poke three or four mini carrots in the pot. Top the carrots with whole parsley leaves. These mini carrot patches are delicious and fun to look at. Kids love swirling the carrots in the dip and then eating them.
Peep s’mores: Combine a treasured Easter treat with a classic s’more and you’ve got Peep s’mores! You need a microwave in your classroom and a few supplies. Besides paper plates and napkins, you need graham crackers, mini candy bars and Peep marshmallow treats. Show the kids how to assemble the s’mores then pop them in the microwave for 10 seconds. Yum! Ooey gooey goodness!

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