Creation Coloring Pages "Very Good"

Creation Day 7 Coloring PageHere is the conclusion of our coloring book about the days of Creation. In each picture Mandy has tried to illustrate the events in a way that shows the goodness of God. If you enjoy these free resources, leave a comment to encourage her.
In this final picture, you see the complete work of God with the simple declaration “Very Good.” This coloring page is inspired by Genesis 1:31 – 2:2 which says:

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (NIV)

Directions: To use this coloring sheet in your ministry, school, or home – simply click on the image above to download as a printer friendly PDF file. You can also download these as a large JPEG image (745K) if you want to do advanced editing.
This coloring page shows creation day seven, when God had completed all his work. You see Adam & Eve resting in the garden God made for them to enjoy. There is a river running down the center of the picture. The words “Very Good” are centered in the coloring sheet.

Need More Coloring Pages? Browse all our Sunday School Coloring Pages or see more of our free creation coloring pages. We also have a growing selection of Sunday School Crafts.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

13 thoughts on “Creation Coloring Pages "Very Good"”

  1. Hi my name is wonder i’m from Glad Tidings church Zimbabwe. Thank you a lot for the lessons on the creation, my sunday school has benefited a lot. With the images it has made it easy to comprehend. Thank you and my God continue to bless you abuntantly.

  2. Enjoyed using these coloring pages on the creation with pre-K and kindergarten children in our study of creation during our church’s camp. Thank you for making them available.

  3. May God bless each and everyone is this “God-send” ministry. I have referred to it so many times in helping me plan my Children’s Church and Sunday School lessons. May he continues to “open up the windows of heaven and pour (each and everyone of you all) his blessings that you won’t have room enough to receive”. Praise the Lord!
    God’s little (and big) angels are and still are LEARNING so much from your ministry. Thanky you all for making it possible for all of us!!!

  4. Bless you for making these creation coloring pages available! Thanks Mandy for sharing your talent! The children in my K-3 God’s Kids class will enjoy coloring these pages which will then help us tell the creation story. Thank you!

  5. I am on the look-out for simple drawings to use to decorate our preschool classroom. We have 7 cupboard doors that we are going to paint… and I think I might be able to use these to depict for the kids, the week of creation…. Thank you for doing these, and for making them available.

  6. Thank you, this is perfect for my (mostly adult) group session on rest and Re-creation as we explore being disciples and our rhythm of life. God bless you

  7. Thanks a lot for the pictures.
    I’m a first time Sunday school teacher and this will help me in making the study session understandable to the kids.

  8. Holy smokes, Ms. Mandy. God has truly given you a gift for drawing! God be praised that you are using that gift for His glory and to encourage young hearts and minds to follow after Him as well!!!! God bless you! These coloring sheets (like all of them–the alphebet, O&N Testament, seasons, preschool) are such a blessing because they’ll save me time and give my kiddos an activity to focus on with their hands while they listen to the lesson! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR CREATIVE GENIOUS with those of us who are not so creative. The pictures are truly beautiful, simplistic, and yet so full of truth! Thank you!!

  9. Hello Mandy,

    Thankyou so much for this colour-in. It’s just what I need for a children’s activity at our comminuty church tomorrow.

    Bert Jackson Hamilton New Zealand

  10. Thank you for this really nice coloring page! It’s sad how so many people can’t think past a picture of… wait, could this silly cartoonish thing be God? And can anyone remember what a NAP meant to preschoolers? I think it’s a conspiracy to destroy the total enjoyment of His presence and His creation by making up un-keepable laws about the Sabbath! What, Jesus isn’t supposed to HEAL a woman on the Sabbath?

  11. Thank you so much Mandy, may God bless and increase you in every sides. We are just starting our bible school and your free resources were truly God sent, thank you.

  12. Love love these coloring pages and the resources that you have made available.
    I feel that I can trust the content to be Biblically accurate for my little ones.
    I can’t even tell you how many times I have used the coloring pages and lesson ideas and how much stress it takes away knowing that you allow us to print them for free.
    May The Lord bless you and your ministry.
    Thank you so much from my little Children’s Church Class.

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