Cool Ways to Use Bubble Wrap in Kids Ministry

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Bubble Wrap in Kids Ministry
Who loves bubble wrap? Why you do–and a few thousand children! If you want to instantly grab kids’ attention and create real excitement in your class or church, break out the bubble wrap. It’s easy to find at the department and dollar stores and packing suppliers. You may also be surprised to learn how much is bubble wrap is going unused in your community. Ask parents to send some your way instead of tossing out this fun packaging. If your fresh out of ideas, try these cool bubble wrap activities.
Bubble Road Object Lesson
Prepare by rolling out the bubble wrap to create a road. You could have kids walk, one at a time on the bubble road, giving them each bible trivia questions they must answer correctly to move ahead. The first child to get to the end of the bubble road is the winner. You could also tell kids to try to walk across the road without popping a single bubble. (Pretty impossible but fun!)
Bubble Wrap Games
Freeze pop: Cover the floor with bubble wrap and play freeze pop! Kids can stomp and pop until the music stops. When the music stops, they must freeze.
Bubble bingo: Print bingo cards with markers that match the bubble wrap grid. Here’s how kids play. They place the pre-cut bubble wrap sheet over the bingo card. When the correct number is called, they pop the bubble over the number. Completely fun!
Finger poke: Tack sheets of bubble wrap on the wall. Each child takes a turn poking the bubbles with just his or her pointer finger. The kid to pop the most bubbles in 30 seconds is the winner.
Take Home Treats
Kids love snapping on bubbles. Put a small patch of bubble wrap home with each kids with a sticker on the back that says, “Stay excited about Jesus!”
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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