Prize Ideas for Boys Vs Girls Contests / Fundraisers

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Prize Ideas for Boys Vs Girls Contests / Fundraisers
If it weren’t for Boys VS Girls contests, we wouldn’t have any fundraisers in our church. Well we would have a few but these are the most fun. Our kids love the competition and it’s easy to get grown ups and teens involved in the contests too. They love it the only thing is, the prizes can get pretty boring. I mean, I can only take so many pies in the face. Sure, it’s funny and my guy volunteers always seem to beat me but I love it. Maybe this year, when they find out what cool grand prizes I have planned, they will want to be the one to receive! Here are some cool grand prize ideas for kids and adults.
Grand Prizes for Adults (Attention Contest Losers!)
You know how these work. Boys have a leader, girls have a leader. If the girls’ team wins, we get to punish the leader of the boys with some horrible prize and of course vice versa. Besides a dunking booth, here are some other ways you can “reward” the losers.
Slime him: Mix up a disgusting batch of “slime” with instant mashed potatoes food coloring and water. Have the volunteer stand in a kiddie pool (wearing a rain poncho) and  dump slime on him. It is great! The kids love it!
Kiss a gator: During our Swamp Kids Crusade, the local reptile house brought us alligators. (Small alligators that only they handled.) I told the kids that the loser would kiss an alligator. I did. Thankfully, the handlers taped the baby gator’s mouth shut. They loved it! I was a bit freaked out but it was fun.
Toss it: For this, I drag out the old cutout we used to use for fall festivals. I stick my head in the hole and let the kids take turns throwing things at me. My volunteers fill Dixie or Solo cups with food like banana chunks or baby food (out of the jar of course). I’m pretty gross by the end of it.
Hold a hairy spider: I hate spiders so I have never lost this contest. I have a friend that owns a pet store. He brings in a “friendly” hairy spider once in a while and the kids go bonkers. The loser of the contest has to let the hairy spider crawl on him. Yuck!
Prizes for the Winning Team

  • Movie tickets (we go together)
  • Special trip to a local attraction
  • Ball at the park
  • Prize cups full of candy with their names on them
  • Supersized candy bars
  • A trip to a water park

I hope these ideas inspire you! Bring on those contests!
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
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