Children's Sermon (John 14:16) Comforter Object Lesson

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Comforter Object Lesson Ideas (John 14:16)Kids can experience heartache, grief and sadness just like their grown up counterparts. They may be resilient and perhaps “snap back” a little faster than an adult (or not) but regardless of the length of time, the pain is real.
Jesus’ promise in John 14:16 applies to children too! Remember this precious verse? And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever…

Therefore it’s so important to tell kids about this loving promise. What better way than to demonstrate it with a comforter object lesson?
What You’ll Need

  • Electric blanket
  • Extension cord (if needed)
  • Large cardboard box
  • Newspaper

Prepare to Teach
Fold up the electric blanket and have it ready to use. Arrange the blanket and the newspaper on a table in the teaching area. Set the cardboard box somewhere in the teaching area. The box should have an open top so you can step inside.
Let’s Teach
Who in this room has ever been sad? Raise your hand! Great! Who has ever lost  a pet or someone you love? Raise your hand! See? Everyone has times in life when the heart hurts and feels heavy. Once you get this kind of sad, it is difficult to feel happy again, isn’t it? When these hurtful times happen when can rely on a special promise from Jesus. Let’s read this verse together. (Read the verse together. Have kids read it “under water” for fun. That’s simply rubbing your finger over your lips to make the bubbling sound.
That’s great news! When I am sad, I have a special blanket that I like to use. It snuggles me up and makes comforts me. The Holy Spirit is like this! He’s the Comforter that Jesus promised us. Let’s see here. I have some things that might comfort us. Let me see. (Step into the box.) Well it feels kind of fun but I am not feeling comforted. (Wrap yourself in newspaper.) Ew, this is not comforting at all. (Drop the newspaper and wrap yourself in the blanket. Set it on low.) Oh yes, now that is comforting. Just like the Holy Spirit Comforter!

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