Coloring Page: The Woman at the Well (John 4:10)

Use this free coloring page with your Sunday School lessons about Jesus and the Woman at the Well. The Bible story is found in John 4. It’s the classic passage where Jesus talks about himself as the living water from God.

Coloring Page: The Woman at the Well (John 4:10)
Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10

Use this free coloring page when teaching about Jesus and the Woman at the well. Click on the line-art image above to download the PDF document or choose the print-friendly PDF document. Special thanks to Christian Clip Arts who created this child-friendly illustration picture.

Teaching Ideas for The Woman at the Well

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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