5 Ways Churches Can Serve Public Schools– Without Breaking the Law

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This guest post was contributed by Keith Tusing from CM Buzz. Submit your articles to Tony@Ministry-To-Children.com

Legal ways for Churches to help public elementary schools
Here in Arizona our school system is in dire financial need and our teachers could really use some encouragement.
As a church staff we are looking for opportunities to help our local schools and let our teachers know they are appreciated. With that in mind I thought I would share 5 ways that we are partnering with our local school to help.
#1. Meeting with key leaders at school and asking the question: How can we help? We were pleasantly surprised at the cordial reception in our initial meeting and came away with some very practical steps we can take. Our church in now the official community partner with the Elementary School located closest to our campus.
#2. Offer to cater lunch or breakfast for the school staff. Who doesn’t love the idea of good food prepared by someone else. My grandmother always said that food tasted better when someone else did the work. This is a simple way to say “Thank You” to teachers for their hard work.
#3. Provide staff and materials to start an extracurricular club. Today I am meeting with school staff to plan the details for launching a “Speed Stacks” club. We use Speed Stacks as a fun activity at church and we have all the necessary equipment to start a club. Think outside the box. What do you have at your church that could be used to offer extracurricular activities for students?
#4. Help with facility repair and improvements. With the budget cutting that seems to be universal in education facility repair and improvements can be a vital need. Do you have volunteers with skills that could benefit your local school? Create a team that is willing to give of their time and talent to bless the school.
#5. Tutor a student. Many schools are short staffed in the classroom and we can help provide one-on-one instruction to students who desperately need help. Find out which adults in your church have the skills and the personality to help a child.
These are just a few of the ways that the church can make an impact at school. Start now brainstorming ways that your church could help at school. Don’t wait for families to come to your facility. Get out into the community and serve.

For more ideas from Keith, visit his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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