Church Sued Over VBS Game Injuries

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hard hatI just heard about a West Virginia church is facing lawsuits over a poorly run VBS games. According to this report, a 9-year-old boy was seriously injured in their Vacation Bible School program. It sounds like individual church volunteers were named in the lawsuit too!
I’m not familiar with the situation, but it’s a good caution to everyone planning VBS to take safety as a major concern. Kids want to have fun, but we must accept the responsibility to keep them safe while at church.
The game idea was from the Studio Go theme from Standard Publishing. The particular game was called “Wrap It Up.” One reader of our blog commented about that same game saying:

I am the grandmother of a 6 year old who was wrapped in saran wrap (handi wrap) last evening per the direction of a game in the Studio Go program, called “Wrap It Up.” As I understand it, he was wrapped from his arms to his ankles. He then tried to hop to a location and lost his balance falling on his right temple. He suffered a mild concussion and appears to be o.k. at this time. This doesn’t sound like a safe game for children. Judy Suggs, Massillon, Ohio

What makes matters worse, in many churches less mature members are assigned to the game rotations. This makes sense for energy level, but I would make sure to have someone I trust.
The bottom line, as ministry leaders it’s up to us. The curriculum companies are not running your program. Be proactive and think about the risks that come with any VBS events you have planned this summer.

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