Church Nursery Volunteer Worker Guidelines (job description)

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Here is a list of volunteer expectations that I have been using for our church nursery. We don’t have a formal church nursery worker manual, but these guidelines have several ideas for safety that move in the right direction. I do not use the term ‘job description’ in the document. We want our people to think of their work in the church nursery as a ministry or service to the Lord. Feel free to use these in your church or leave a comment to help me revise them in the future. You can download this as a word document: Church Nursery Worker Guidelines
When I first introduced these, I called a meeting for all church nursery workers. It was a process of re-teaching what many of our best volunteers already knew. Do these guidelines solve all our issues? No, but they set clear expectations and help the church nursery minister more effectively.

Church Nursery Volunteer Worker Guidelines (job description)

Service Description – Early Childhood Ministry Volunteers

And Jesus took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37)

Service Titles: Nursery Volunteer (Babies & 1s), First Steps Leader (2s & 3s)
Ministry Purpose: Your role is to provide safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient care to our children. Your ministry responsibilities include playing with the child or directing his play, reading to him, praying for each child, exhibiting Christ-like patience and love, and relating the events of the day to the lesson and theme in words the child can understand.
Service Expectations:

  • Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.
  • Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray individually for children as they play, as they listen to the story, and for the other caregivers as you work together.
  • Every child’s diaper should be changed before parent’s pick up. Potty training children should ‘try’ at least once.
  • Oversee the check-in process. All children should have name stickers on their back. All cups and bags should also be labeled.
  • Oversee the check-out process. Parents will need their “ticket” to claim their child. If they don’t have they will need to wait for the Children’s Minister before the child is released.
  • Clean and straiten the room after the children leave.
  • Report and concerns or ideas for improvement to the Children’s Minister.
  • Attend occasional Early Childhood Ministry meetings.

Interacting With Parents:

  • Always thank the parent for bringing their child. It is our privilege to serve them
  • Always smile (even when you are tired)
  • Always tell the parents about any diaper or feeding events
  • Always follow dismissal plan

Teaching Little Ones:
Early Childhood is best time to build a God-centered worldview for children. We have provided age appropriate teaching material for all Early Childhood Ministries. This material is easy to prepare and use. Instructions are written in the curriculum. Here are some suggestions. If you need additional help see Tony or Kellie.

  • Integrate the biblical truth or theme into the activities the children are doing. Take advantage of every opportunity to make the truths “real” to the children, repeating them over and over, applying them to anything normal around them.
    • Example: “Do you see the elephant in the puzzle? God made elephants. What else did God make? God made everything!”
  • Your role is to teach the children a short Bible lesson each week. It is important to be able to express excitement, energy, and love for God’s word when sharing the story and its principle. It is to be taught as truth, not as just a story.

Please sign and date if you agree to these expectations.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “Church Nursery Volunteer Worker Guidelines (job description)”

  1. These notes are great! Thank you for sharing. They are short and straight to the point. Perfect for our small children’s ministry. Thank you!

  2. sometimes we become exhausted of activities for the nursery kids at church. any activity plan for the kids and how to do them

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