Top 10 Church Leadership Blogs for Kidmin

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leadership concepts
Many of those who work in children’s ministry are leaders.  Whether you are the Children’s Pastor or a weekly volunteer, there is a lot to be learned from reading about leadership.  In no particular order, here are ten of my favorite blogs dealing with the issue of leadership:
1. Michael Hyatt (  Michael Hyatt is the chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing.  This is his personal blog where he focuses on what he calls “intentional leadership.”
2. Seth Godin (  Seth Godin is a well known author and blogger.  There is always something to be gleaned from his prolific writing.
3. Perry Noble (  Perry Noble is an outspoken kind of guy.  He is the Senior Pastor at new Spring Church in South Carolina.  Though he has scaled back his writing, one of the things he still writes frequently about is leadership.
4. Carey Neiuwhof (  Carey Neiuwhof is the Lead Pastor at Connexus Community Church in Toronto, Canada.  His articles tackle all kinds of issues pertinent to leadership.
5. Jim Wideman ( Jim Wideman is a leader in the children’s ministry community.  He is an author, a speaker, a blogger, a children’s pastor, and a youth pastor.  He has been a leading voice in children’s ministry for years.  I think he would tell you that his most important role though is as a father, and now a grandfather.  Jim writes prolifically and oftentimes about leadership specifically in the field of children’s ministry.
6. Donald Miller (  This is not your typical leadership blog.  Donald Miller is the well know author of such books as “Blue Like Jazz” and “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.”  I included him in this category because he feel he brings something unique to the table which other leadership blogs do not.  He will challenge the way you think and the way you act.
7. Coach Shef (  Coach Shef is Tom Shefchunas.  We should start by thanking him for the shorter name.  Coach Shef is the Multi-Campus Director of Middle School at NorthPoint Community Church in Georgia.  In this blog he writes about leadership from a coach’s perspective offering keen insights and wisdom.
8. Tony Morgan (  Tony Morgan is the Campus Pastor of the Oak Leaf Campus and serves on the leadership team of West Ridge Church near Atlanta.  He is also the well known author of the book “Killing Cockroaches.”  His blog deals specifically and practically with issues related to church leadership.
9. Ed Stetzer (  Ed Stetzer is the head of Lifeway Research.  In addition to articles based on their findings, his blog also includes practical information and discussions of importance to church leaders.
10. Larry Shallenberger (  Larry Shallenberger is a pastor and author in Erie, PA where he serves on the pastoral team at Grace Church.  Larry is a former children’s pastor and author of the book “Lead the Way God Made You.”  His blog covers a multitude of topics, but there is something in every article that will get you thinking!

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