Christmas Photo Storybook: An Easy Christmas Program Alternative

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photo-slides-blankWhat do you do when you’ve got a group of children in your ministry who don’t like to perform in front of an audience, who refuse to learn lines or can’t make practice dates? Opt for the photo storybook program! It’s an easy Christmas program alternative when you’re short on time, budget and cast members. If your church regularly uses PowerPoint and you have a digital camera; this is the idea Christmas program for you!
Basically, a Christmas photo storybook is a PowerPoint presentation featuring photos of your kids in costume. You’ll display these photos via the program while a narrator tells the Nativity Story. Kids will be featured on the big screen and they don’t have to worry about learning lines. Best of all, you will provide parents and grandparents with a special keepsake gift that they will treasure forever—a CD copy of the presentation to play at home!
Items You’ll Need
You’ll need a few things to get started like a digital camera; you could get a special one like a 360 camera to get more wide pictures, a memory card, backdrops and costumes. (You’ll find sheets and pillowcases invaluable!) Choose some dates or set time aside in your kids ministry program for photo shoots. Utilize the in-house talent for scenes for your Christmas video. You also need a good script that tells the Nativity story not too quickly. You don’t want to fly through the photos. Allow families the chance to enjoy the show!
Scenes You Need
You’ll need a few different scenes like the angel visits Mary, Joseph and Mary go to be taxed, the angels appear to the shepherds and the magi follow the star. The last scene is the manger scene. I like using different colored sheets as backgrounds. For the night sky, you could use a dark blue sheet. Tape a large glittery gold, construction paper star to the sheet for the magi’s scene. Mary’s scene could take place outdoor with Mary holding a water pot or pitcher. You’ll have to coax your actors emotions. It’s okay if they just stand there but it’s a lot more fun if they appear surprised, happy or excited when appropriate.
Most of all, remember to have fun with your children. You’ll make lasting memories with this cool Christmas ministry.
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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