2 Active Christmas Party Games

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Idea for Kids Christmas Party Games
Well it’s time to prepare for all those holiday visitors in your children’s ministry. Besides stocking up on extra snacks and craft supplies, it’s a good idea to have a few active Christmas party games ready too. I don’t know what it is about the month of December but kids have so much energy. Fill in the gaps of your teaching schedule with these fun games.
Stocking Stuffer Race: For this game you will need two large Christmas stockings, a table and a small wrapped gift items (or empty boxes.) Make the items an even number so you can divide them up between stockings. Place the stockings on the table and the gifts in a two piles on other side of the room. Divide the class into two groups and line them up. When you say, “Go!” Kids have to grab the stocking, run to the gift pile and put one gift in the stocking. Then they run back to the table and return the stocking. The next child in line does the same thing until all the gifts are gone. The team that finishes first is the Stocking Stuffer winners.
(To add a teaching element to this game, put labels on the gifts that say, Peace, Love, Joy and other words taken from the Luke 2 passage. When the game is over read the passage with the kids.)
Christmas Tree Mix Up: This game is kind of like Pin the Tail on the Donkey only in this game the blindfolded children will be attaching angel ornaments to a paper tree. You need two paper trees taped to the wall. (Green wrapping paper cut into a large triangle is perfect.) Print off some angels and tack tape on the back of them. Divide the class into two groups and line them up. Play some Christmas music and give the kids the signal to start. At the end of the game count how many ornaments actually made it to the tree. The team that got the most wins!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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