Choosing God's Perspective, Not My Own

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How will you choose to see life?
I am a stay-at-home mom and it would be easy to get upset with all of the little things that go on during the day. Sometimes, it feels as though I running on a treadmill, constantly going, but never getting any where.
Yesterday, I was cleaning the stove, again, and could have been upset that it was dirty, again. My perspective could have been negative because I had to clean it again. Instead, I felt blessed because I had served my family a healthy meal by using that stove.
The laundry is a never-ending job. There is always laundry somewhere in the house just waiting to be cleaned. Instead of getting mad that I have to do laundry every day, I need to be grateful that I have the blessing of a family that needs clean clothes to wear.
With two boys, it seems as though my house is always messy. Socks are lying on the couch, Legos are on the floor just waiting to be stepped on, and toys are strewn over the beds. I could get upset because it’s a never-ending battle, but instead, my perspective needs to be a feeling of being blessed with two precious gifts from God. God has honored my husband and I with two special beings. It’s humbling to think that He has given us the responsibility to raise these two boys in His Word.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8

This is one of my favorite Bible Verses. I tend to get down about things and this reminds me to keep my mind in the right place.
It’s all about your perspective. How are you going to look at things? Are you going to get upset and live in anger, or are you going to look at things the way God sees them?

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