Choose Joy (Week 4) Devotions from Philippians

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This devotional guide is one part of our larger series based on the book of Philippians. Click here to browse all the guides in this series. You can also leave a comment below to share your ideas with other readers.
[print_link] a copy of this for each child or adult participating in the study. We recommend they also have a personal notebook for the study.

Day One: Read Philippians 3:1-3

1. Why did Paul not mind writing the same things over for the Philippians?

2. What phrase in verse one is repeated in chapters 1 and 2?

3. Why do you think Paul keeps reminding the Philippians to do this?

4. We rejoice in the Lord when we praise Him and thank Him for who He is and what He has done for us. How can you rejoice in the Lord today?

Day Two: Read Philippians 3:1-3

5. What three things did Paul tell the Philippians to beware of?

Dogs are false teachers. When Paul uses mutilators of the flesh he is comparing those who believe that Christians should be circumcised with the heathen who gash and mutilate themselves.

6. Can you think of anyone in our day that is a false teacher? How will you be able to recognize a false teacher?

Day Three: Read Philippians 3:3-6

7. Write in your own words what it means to have no confidence in the flesh?

8. Paul writes of things he could be confident about. Write things that Paul said he had reason to be confident in his own flesh.

Day Four: Read Philippians 3:7-9

9. As a Christian how did Paul see those things he had confidence in? (Verses 7 and the end of 8)

10. How did Paul receive righteousness? (Verse 9)

11. What are you depending upon to be righteous before God?

Day Five: Read Philippians 3:10-14

12. From verse 10 what does Paul want?

13. What do you want? What are you doing to get what you want?

Day Six: Read Philippians 3:10-14

14. What three things must Paul do to receive his prize?

15. What are you doing to ‘train’ in the Christian race?

16. What are your goals in your life? Do these goals focus you on crossing the finish line and receiving the prize Christ has for you?

Memorize: Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”


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