Chocolate Bar Object Lessons

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chocolate object lesson from the Bible
Do you love chocolate? Chances are your children’s church does too. Before you teach this lesson, you need to buy a giant chocolate bar and some mini chocolate bars to give away. (I prefer to send them home with kids.) Supplement a holiday lesson or an any Sunday lesson with these delicious treats.
Start by saying,: If there’s one thing I love more than my favorite tennis shoes it’s got to be chocolate! See this giant chocolate bar? It’s a special treat for someone. I wonder who will take it home today? Before we talk about sharing this chocolate or sending it home with someone, let’s take a look at these chocolate bar object lessons. Chocolate is a yummy way to share a Bible truth! I’m ready to share it!
The God life: (John 10:10–The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.) Mmm… this candy bar smells so good. I can smell the chocolate right through this wrapper. I bet it tastes yummy. I would love to taste this candy bar but there seems to be something in the way. What should I do? (Wait for a response.) Right! I should unwrap it!
Let’s read this verse. It’s John 10:10. (Read the verse.) Wow. That’s awesome. You do know that this was Jesus speaking here? He tells us that the thief only wants to destroy us and wreck our lives but Jesus wants to give us a good life. Just like this candy bar, we have to unwrap Jesus promise to get to it. We have to do something to receive this promise. Just a few verses later in John 11: 40, Jesus told a friend, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” Believe the Lord! He wants to give you a good life. You can unwrap this life by inviting him into your heart and talking with him every day. God loves you!

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