Children’s Sermon: The Bible is Like History

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Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Bible to teach kids that we can believe the Bible is true.

Scripture: any detailed passage

Needed: a history book, a Bible

Children’s Sermon

Show kids your history book, and ask, How many of you like history?

What do you like about history?

If you don’t like history, why don’t you like it?

I like history because it tells us stories about what happened, like how our country started or about why we’re friends or not friends with other countries, or about how certain inventions were made.

Some people don’t like history, though, because they don’t like reading about all the dates and specific places. But those dates and specific places are important because they help us know that the story is true. Let me give you an example.

I’m going to tell you two short stories. You tell me which one sounds true and which one sounds made up.

(Tell a historical story, such as the founding of your country, in vague terms first. Then, retell the story in specific terms. The following is an example from U.S. history.)

A long time ago, some people thought the king wasn’t treating them fairly, so they met somewhere and sent a letter to the king and told him that they were going to make their own country.

People in the American colonies didn’t think it was fair for King George III to charge them taxes without giving them a vote in Parliament. On July 4th, 1776, representatives from the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to approve a document that they then sent to King George III. The letter was called the Declaration of Independence. It informed the king that they were forming their own country not under his rule.

Which story sounded like it was made up? (The first one.)

Which story sounded like it was true? (The second one.)

Why did the second story sound when the first one didn’t?

The second story had more facts and detailed information.

Did you know that the Bible has those kinds of facts and information?

(Read a passage like Genesis 2:10-14 or Ezra 2:3-20.)

Why do you think the Bible tells us all those names of places and names of people?

Just like history needs to include facts and details for us to believe it happened, the Bible tells us those things so that we’ll know it’s true.

The Bible is mostly a story, but when you see names and dates and specific information like this, remember that it’s telling you that information to help you know it’s true.

Closing Prayer

Father, we thank You for giving us the Bible. We thank You for including details so that we’ll know it’s true and not just a made-up story. Help us to read our Bible more and more so that we can learn about You. Amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Children’s Sermons about the Bible

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