Children’s Sermon: Thanksgiving – Giving Thanks in Every Circumstance

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Use this Thanksgiving children’s sermon to teach kids that we can always find something to thank God for.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Needed: nothing

Children’s Sermon

Greet children with, Happy Thanksgiving! And, of course, Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks, isn’t it? We thank God for all the good things He’s done for us. What are some things that you want to thank God for this year?

(Share something that you’re thankful for.)

I want to play a little game today. Because the Apostle Paul wrote that we should…

(Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18.)

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

“Give thanks in all circumstances.” That means we should thank God when things are good and when things are bad. Let’s practice.

Let’s pretend that you’re all on a sports team and I’m your coach. If our team just won a game, what could we thank God for? (We could thank Him for letting us win.)

But what if our team lost? Then, what could we thank God for? (We could thank Him for letting us play well and have fun together.)

Okay. Second example: What if it was a beautiful, sunshiny day outside? What could we thank God for? (We could thank Him for the nice weather.)

But what if it was rainy all day? What could we thank God for, then? (We could thank Him for the rain to help the grass and other plants grow.)

Okay. Last example: What if someone was sick, and we prayed that they would get better and then, they did get better? What could we thank God for in that situation? (We could thank God for healing the sick person and making them healthy again.)

But what if we prayed, and God didn’t heal the person? What if the person died? What could we thank God for, then? (We could thank God for the good life the person had and that we’ll see them in Heaven again someday.)

See? Whether things are good or bad, we can always thank God for something. That’s why Paul tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances.”

Let’s pray and give thanks now.

Closing Prayer

Father God, we thank You for being a good God. You are so good that no matter what happens, we can always thank You for something. Help us to see the good in every situation so that we can always give You thanks. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Holy Days: Children’s Sermons for the Holidays.

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