Children’s Sermon: Mary’s Christmas Song – the Magnificat

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Use this Advent/Christmas children’s sermon to teach kids what we can praise God for.

Scripture: Luke 1:46-55

Needed: Christmas music – hymnals, lyric sheets, or stereo to sing along to

Children’s Sermon

Ask students, What is your favorite Christmas song?

(Listen to the kids’ answers and then sing a few of the songs. You might even have one of your musicians assist you by playing the piano or guitar.)

Did you know that Mary, Jesus’ mother, wrote a Christmas song? When she heard that she was going to be pregnant with Jesus, she wrote this song.

(Read Luke 1:46-55. Alternatively, you could watch a video of the song.)

“My soul glorifies the Lord

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for He has been mindful

of the humble state of His servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed,

for the Mighty One has done great things for me—

holy is His name.

His mercy extends to those who fear Him,

from generation to generation.

He has performed mighty deeds with His arm;

He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.

He has brought down rulers from their thrones

but has lifted up the humble.

He has filled the hungry with good things

but has sent the rich away empty.

He has helped his servant Israel,

remembering to be merciful

to Abraham and his descendants forever,

just as He promised our ancestors.”

Why do you  think Mary wrote that song?

Mary wrote her Christmas song to thank God for all the good things He had done for her. Can you think of some of the good things God has done for you?

God has made us. He gave us life. He gave us our parents and a nice world to live in. He sent Jesus to teach us and to die on the cross for us so that we could be forgiven for our sins. He loves us and listens to us when we pray to Him. Those are all good things God has done for us.

That’s why Mary sang her Christmas song, and that’s why we sing our Christmas songs. We sing to thank God for all the good things He has done.

Closing Prayer

Father God, we thank You for loving us and for always doing good things for us. This Christmas, we especially thank You for sending Jesus to us. In His name we pray. Amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Holy Days: Children’s Sermons for the Holidays.

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