Children’s Sermon: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Let’s Celebrate Our Unity!

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Use this children’s sermon for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to show students the unity we have in Christ.

Scripture: Galatians 3:28

Needed: nothing

Children’s Sermon

Look at the children and say something like, Wow, you all look different. None of you look exactly the same. Did you know that?

And that reminds me of the holiday coming up. Does anyone know what the next holiday is? (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.)

Does anyone know anything about Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Martin Luther King was a pastor who knew that God made everyone to look different because God likes it when people look different. It makes people special and unique when everyone looks a little bit different from everyone else.

That means that God likes it when we have different hair colors and eye colors and skin colors.

And because God likes it when we look different, He loves and cares about everyone just the same as everyone else.

So, Martin Luther King, Jr. said that if God loves and cares about everyone just the same, then we should love and treat everyone just the same too, no matter what they look like. What counts isn’t how a person looks, but whether they believe in Jesus.

(Read Galatians 3:28.)

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

We’re all one if we believe in Jesus. It doesn’t matter if we’re boys or girls or what skin color we have or what country we’re from. We can all be one if we believe in Jesus.

Closing Prayer

God, we thank You for creating all of us and making us all look a little bit different from everyone else. We pray that You will help us to love and treat everyone the same just like You love and treat everyone the same, no matter what they look like. Amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Holy Days: Children’s Sermons for the Holidays.

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