Children’s Sermon: Lord of Creation and Lord of My Life

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Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on creation to teach kids that God has the authority over what He has made.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:13

Needed: something you’ve made

Children’s Sermon

Show students your creation. Ask, Do you know who made this?

I made it! (Briefly describe how you made it.) If I was the one making it, who do you think got to decide how it should be?

I did! I decided how it should (look, taste, feel, etc.).

If you make something for fun, you can decide how it should be too. You get to design it all by yourself. Now, since this is my creation, who do you think gets to decide what I do with it?

I do! If I want to (name some normal things and some silly things you could do with your object), I can!

So, because I made it, I got to make it how I wanted it to be and I get to decide how to use it. It’s the same way with God.

(Read Genesis 1:1 , quoted here in the NIV.) “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

God created the world, so He was the one who got to decide how it should be. He’s also the one who decides how we should use it.

But God didn’t only create the world; He created all of us.

(Read Psalm 139:13 , quoted here in the NIV.) “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Because God made us when we were still in our mothers’ wombs, He was the one who decided how we should be. And He’s the one who gets to decide how we should act and what we should do. God is the one who made us, so we have to do our best to listen to Him.

Closing Prayer

God, thank You for making the world and for making us. Help us to listen to You because You are our creator. In Jesus’ name, amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Children’s Sermons about Creation and Adam and Eve

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