Children’s Sermon: Halloween and the Real Story about Death

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Use this Halloween children’s sermon to show kids the difference between believing in ghosts and zombies and believing in the Resurrection.

Scripture: Matthew 27:51-53

Needed: a picture or costume of a ghost or zombie

Children’s Sermon

Ask, Who knows what holiday is coming up this week? (Halloween!)

Right. Halloween is this week. Are you any of you dressing up for Halloween? What are you going to be?

Did you know that some people like to make Halloween scary? They might dress up like a ghost (show your picture of a ghost) or a zombie (show your picture of a zombie). Now, we don’t believe in things like that, but there are a few stories about people coming back from the dead that we do believe.

One of them happened after Jesus died and rose from the dead.

(Read Matthew 27:51-53.)

“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.”

What did that story say about dead people coming back to life?

It said that after Jesus rose from the dead, the bodies of many holy people who had died came out of the tombs and were walking around the city for people to see them!

Do you think it would be scary to see a dead person walking around on the street?

It would be scary to see them if they were a ghost or a zombie or something, but these people weren’t scary like that. They were people that came back to life and were healthy and normal. When God brings someone back to life, they’re perfect again. They’re healed!

And did you know that the same thing will happen to us one day? When we die, our souls will go to be with Jesus, but when He comes back, He’ll bring our bodies back to life too. We’ll be perfect and healthy, and we’ll never die again because Jesus will make us to live with Him forever.

Halloween isn’t scary for Christians because we know what it will really be like when Jesus brings us back to life.

Closing Prayer

Lord, We thank You for making our bodies when we were born. And we thank You that You will make our bodies perfect and whole again when Jesus comes back. Help us to be excited for that day when we live forever with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

You can also find this children’s sermon for Kindle or in print in my book, Holy Days: Children’s Sermons for the Holidays.

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