Children’s Ministry Podcast: State of Kids Ministry in 2022

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It’s hard to believe that children’s ministry is already in 2022, but here we are! In this episode of the Children’s Ministry Podcast, we take a look at the state of kids ministry and what lies ahead. What trends are happening in churches today? What do kids need most from their ministry? And how can we make sure our ministry is future-proof? Tune in for all that and more!

Church leaders, what is the state of your children’s ministry? According to recently released survey results, it might be in better shape than you think. The study was conducted by Sunday School Works and looked at the changes in small churches before and after the pandemic.

Listen to this Episode: 2022 Children’s Ministry Statistics

Children’s Ministry Statistics 2022 Talking Points:

Welcome to this episode of the Kids Ministry Collective Podcast! I’m your host Tom Bump, So glad you’re taking some time to listen. I want to thank our episode sponsor THE  This amazing website has amazing resources and if you’re a smaller church you really need to check them out. From thousands of free downloadable resources to a full curriculum that is biblical and relevant to today’s kids. You’ll find what you’re looking for at the so go to

My guest today has some very interesting insights into the state of Children’s ministry. He surveyed over 1200 ministry leaders and so we want to dig into what’s happening in the body of Christ as well as some things we can do for the new now. 

Welcome back Tony Kummer to the KMC- I’m glad you could make some time to share the findings with us. Tell us a bit about you and what you do:

  • I’ve been in kids’ ministry since 2005, my blog ministry-to-children serves over 5.5 million visitors a year – down from about 6.5 million before COVID. 
  • Latest project is curriculum, since April 2020 about 75k use our material so far. Serve smaller churches with flexible lessons 1) keep kids attention 2) deepen Bible knowledge 3) engage with the Gospel
  • In real life – missions in Haiti and driving a school bus and expecting a puppy this spring.

Q1- So why the survey? What prompted you to set this up?

  • A lot has changed since 2019 and things are very different in different parts of the US, just wanted to turn on the mic for leaders out there to share what’s happening

Q2- Tell us a bit about who took the survey?

  • Invite only from our Sunday School Works and Ministry-To-Children email subscribers, so active smaller church leaders and some families.

Q3- We know ministry looks different 2 years into this pandemic, but how has it affected the local church?

  • Total sucker punch – some have bounced back great others are struggling. Talking to my own connections. But small churches with less resources are struggling worse. 
  • Accelerated some troubling trends with attendance and family commitment 
  • Generations and entertainment 

Q4- What did you learn about how ministry leaders are handling the changes?

  • Kidmin folk are creative by nature so its been amazing 
  • but also very relational people so it hurts.
  • Decision point of going back to how it was or moving forward to new future

Q5- Did anything surprise you in the survey results and why?

  • People just aren’t coming back to church. Shift in mindset to optional. Mom can watch livestream on FB while her kids play at home. So kidsmin are less in demand.

Q6- What are some of the positives to come from this season of ministry?

  • Family empowerment  
  • digital ministry flourished
  • Future church will shine in better ways

Q7- Moving forward what should leaders be considering?

  • Need to refresh the vision – kids need in-person relationships more than ever.
  • Systematic disciple making programs are worth the hour investment for parents.
  • Ministry beyond Sunday morning matters more than ever.
  • Child discipleship forum 
New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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