Do You Get Discouraged In Children’s Ministry?

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I want to make a confession, sometimes I feel discouraged about our children’s ministry. From an outsiders perspective it is anything but glamorous and sometimes it just feels like a Christian job. There are constant discouragements and I’ve wondered how people serve in children’s ministry decades after decade.

For example:

  • Many of my friends from are serving in larger churches and they reach more kids than will ever attend our church.
  • I’m not the senior pastor and my influence on the direction of our church is feels limited
  • Our Baptist church has declined over the past three years, mostly due to pastoral turnover and changing ministry paradigms and sermon style.
  • I’ve seen many children come through our ministry only to go a radically different direction when they reach the youth ministry. It’s always hard to see when a child loses her way.
  • Even our best child evangelism programs suffer from limited volunteers and resources
  • At the end of the day, there is always more I wish I could have done to help our church reach the community

Your Ministry Can Change A Child’s Life

If you’ve ever felt this way, let me offer you some children’s minsitry encouragement. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change a life. Every child has infinite value in the eyes of God. In children’s ministry, it’s essential to see victory in the small wins. No church can reach every child, but every church can reach some. It takes rural and urban ministries, small and big churches. Success in this ministry must be measured one kid at a time.

  • Yes, I respect my friends for their larger churches, but I know that God wants me here. I love seeing the faith of these kids grow with each year.
  • The most strategic way to influence the God’s kingdom is to shape it’s future leaders. So, even if I’m not the lead pastor, the impact of my ministry can be much larger through training the next generation of church leaders.
  • Even while our church has lost some members, we’ve seen real spiritual growth in many families. I’ve seen children learn to worship Jesus and receive him as personal savior.
  • Even though some kids have lost their way, I know we have shown God’s love and taught them the plan of salvation.
  • Even when resources get stretched, we can take comfort in knowing that we’re giving 100% of our best efforts.
  • At the end of the day, I know that God will continue his work even when I’m unable to do more.

Maybe you are a Sunday school teacher who is feeling burnt out. Maybe you serve in the church nursery or preschool ministry and constantly miss the sermon. Maybe you are discouraged because kids are not interested in your Bible stories or activities. Maybe you teach children’s church and wonder if all your lessons are making a difference.

Children’s Ministry Matters To God

Don’t be discouraged if your church is small and there are not as many kids as you wish. Consider every child as a sacred trust and do your best with what God has given you. Ministry is not a game or a job, it’s a calling.
I hope these ideas have been an encouragement for your ministry to children. You can add your own thoughts by filling out the comment form below. I look forward to reading your feedback.

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