Cell Phone Object Lessons from Romans 15:13

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Cell Phone Object Lessons from Romans 15:13
Have a cell phone? You have everything you need to teach a valuable Christian lesson to teens or kids. Based on bible verses like Romans 15:13, “ Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,” You’ll have everything you need to teach kids the importance of powering up with God. If I were to give my cell phone object lesson a theme, it would be: Just like a cell phone needs a charger to power up, we also need to be be spiritually charged regularly.
Teaching a Cell Phone Object Lesson
Place the cell phone and charge on a table and show them to the kids.
Ask the following questions:

  1. Have you ever went on a tip but left the charger at home? Isn’t that aggravating? Yes and yes.
  2. What happens if the phone loses of its charge? It doesn’t work.
  3. Can you plug a car charger to the cell phone to charge it? No you have to have the right kind of charge for a cell phone.
  4. What happens to a person who loses their spiritual charge? They become spiritually weak.

What Can You Do To Power Up?
Feel as if you have lost power? It can happen when you forget to plug into the source–God!  How can you do that?

  • Plug into God’s Word daily. Charge your spirit with the Word of God.
  • Power up in prayer time. For some reason prayer charges your spirit man times 10! Do this every day to stay fully charged.

Demonstrate the Power Up

  1. Bring in a phone that is dying. If it makes a beeping sound, that’s even better. Try to use some apps. A weak phone won’t work properly. Demonstrate what happens when you open up all your apps. (The phone dies quicker.)
  2. Plug up the phone to the charger and show the kids the charger icon. Explain that the icon shows that the phone is actually charging.

Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church. Don’t miss these related posts from our website:


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