Notes from 2011 Children Desiring God Conference

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This series of live blogging notes from Ryan Golias. New posts will be added throughout the weekend. Scroll down for links to session notes.
Children Desiring God Conference Notes
I invite you to join us for the Chrildren Desiring God conference. I am going to blog through the conference, and post session notes here. This year the conference is about holding fast to the Word of the Truth.
We live in a culture that doesn’t take truth for granted–doesn’t believe it is necessary for life and faith. What place should truth, and the Word of Truth, have in our ministry to young people? What is our job in bringing truth to children, and how do we do it? We are here to think through these questions.
John Piper, Russel Moore, Kempton Turner, and David Micheal are speaking at the conference this year, plus I will post a couple break-out seminars. Visit the Children Desiring God website to find out more about the conference.

Notes from the Conference

  1. John PiperThe Sum of Your Word is Truth
  2. Russell MooreNo Longer Tossed To and Fro
  3. Kempton TurnerYour Testimonies Are My Delight
  4. David MichaelChildren Who Will Stand Firm

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