"The Book of Acts" Sunday School Lesson Series

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Free Sunday School LessonsTake your students on a journey through the Book of Acts where they will learn lessons from the early church after Jesus ascended to heaven and believers received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Students will learn how they too can live a powerful life serving Jesus as the Holy Spirit empowers them.
This page is the index to our series of lesson plans that follow the Book of Acts. This page will be updated as the posts are published. These lessons were designed for older elementary children, but you could modify them for a broader range of kids.

“Book of Acts” Sunday School Lessons

  1. A Journey through the Book of Acts Overview Lesson
  2. The Day of Pentecost & God’s Gift Acts 2:1-21
  3. Apostles Witness Jesus’ Ascension Acts 1
  4. The Birth of the Church on Pentecost Acts 2
  5. Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar in Jesus’ Name Acts 3 (another option “Miracle at the Beautiful Gate“)
  6. The Spirit gives boldness to Peter & John Acts 4:1-31
  7. The Believers Remained Devoted Acts 4-5
  8. Seven Men are Chosen to Minister: Acts 6 Lesson Acts 6
  9. The Stoning of Stephen Acts 6-7
  10. Persecution Scatters the Church Acts 8:1-25
  11. Philip and the Ethiopian Acts 8:26-40
  12. Jesus Transforms Saul’s Life (Paul’s Conversion) Acts 9:1-31 with coloring page
  13. Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Tabitha Acts 9:32-43
  14. Peter and Cornelius 10:1-22
  15. Cornelius Receives the Holy Spirit Acts 10:23-48
  16. Early Church Growth & Change Acts 11
  17. Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison Acts 12:1-24
  18. Barnabas and Paul Begin Their Missionary Journey Acts 12-13
  19. Paul and Barnabas 13:13-52
  20. Paul and Barnabas Persevere Acts 14
  21. New Missionary Teams Acts 15-16
  22. Paul & Barnabas at the Jerusalem Counsel Acts 15:1-35
  23. God sends Paul to Macedonia Acts 15:36-16:10 “Paul Preaching” coloring page
  24. Paul & Silas Praise God in Prison Acts 16:11-40
  25. More of Paul’s Journeys Acts 17
  26. Riot in Ephesus Acts 19
  27. Paul’s Farewell Journey Begins Acts 20
  28. Paul is Arrested in Jerusalem Acts 21
  29. Paul Testifies in Jerusalem Acts 22
  30. God Protects Paul’s Life Acts 23
  31. Paul’s Trial Before Felix Acts 24
  32. Paul’s Trial before Festus Acts 25
  33. Paul Shipwrecked on the Way to Rome Acts 27
  34. Paul Arrives in Rome Acts 28

Bible Activities for the Book of Acts

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New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

3 thoughts on “"The Book of Acts" Sunday School Lesson Series”

  1. I have been using this website for a couple of years and I am so very grateful for it. We have been using the Sunday School lesson on the book of Acts, and it is wonderful. I have a classed of mixed ages, the youngest being five…but when we do the review questions…she answers them with ease. This is such a wonderful study for the children to learn. We started this study as our Pastor felt God calling him to another ministry, so the it has helped the children to see how the early church was started and what challenges the church family faced. We are also working on a replica of the first church…looks a lot like the house back then since that is where the believers met a lot of the time. Thank you for the time and effort that you put into these lessons and this website. They have made my job as a teacher easier, and most importantly they are touching young hearts for the gospel. Thank you to everyone involved in this website. May God’s blessings be with you.

  2. I was looking for a new lesson that would be a challenge to my students who are all very astute about the Bible. This looks like it will definitely be that as well as keep their interest.

  3. We have a small church and have found that many lesson plans are so simple and repetitive not really getting to the deeper truths of God’s Word.
    Since finding your sight we have been so blessed to use some of your materials they are top quality lessons. All of our teachers have all told me how much they like using these lessons. The kids these days don’t need bling and lots of activity they need the Word of God taught in it’s entire scope.
    Thank you for offering such great lessons and God bless you for your service for HIM!!
    Carol Christo

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