Lesson: A Blind Man Receives Sight (Luke 18)

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Jesus Heals a Blind Man (Luke 18)
This story from Jesus’ life tells about a man who had faith to call out to Jesus even when others told him to be quiet.  He knew that Jesus could meet his physical and spiritual needs.  The man was healed and received his eyesight because of his faith in Jesus and his power.

Lesson Title:   A Blind Man Receives Sight
Bible Reference: Luke 18:35-43
Target Age Group: Preschool
Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: 45 Minutes
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Credits: Image courtesy of Sweet Publishing and Distant Shores Media

Memory Verse: “Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.”  Luke 18:42
Learning Aim: Children will learn that the Lord can do wonderful things in our lives when we have the faith to trust in Him.
Basic Supply List:

  1. Bandanas or some other kind of blindfold.
  2. Paper
  3. Crayons
  4. Blocks
  5. Shower Curtain rings
  6. Pipe cleaners

Note: In the teaching plan below the words in italics are meant to be read aloud. The regular text is simply directions for the teacher.
> > > > Basic Teaching Plan < < < <
Introduction:  Begin the lesson by greeting the students and asking them to close their eyes.  Say, Imagine that you cannot see at all.  When you open your eyes, it is still dark.  This is called blindness.  When someone is blind they cannot see.  Keep your eyes closed and tell me what it would be like if you could not see.  How would your life be different?  What could and couldn’t you do? Allow children to respond and share their thoughts.  Say, Ok, you can open your eyes now.  I am going to tell you a story about a man who was blind.  This man believed that Jesus could heal him and make him see.  Let’s see what happens in the story.
Turn your Bible to Luke 18:35-43.  Read the story from the Bible or retell the story in simpler terms if you students have trouble understanding the Bible language.    
Biblical Evidence: Read Luke 18:35-38.  Say, The man on the side of the street was poor because he could not see and because he could not see he could not work.  When he heard a large crowd going by he had to ask who it was that was walking down the street.  Perhaps he had been hoping and waiting for Jesus to walk down the street.  As soon as he heard that it was Jesus who was walking by, he cried out to Jesus. He knew that Jesus was the only one who could help him to regain his sight. 
Read Luke 18:39.  Everyone told the man that he should be quiet and leave Jesus alone, but the man would not.  He continued to yell for Jesus to come and help him. 
Read verse 40.  When Jesus heard the man calling out to him, he turned and came to the man.  Everyone who knew the man just thought that he was some man who lived on the street, but Jesus took the time to come to the man and meet his needs. 
Read verse 41.  The man knew exactly what he wanted, and that was sight.  He believed that Jesus could help and Jesus did indeed help them.
Read verse 42-43.  Jesus healed the man and he was able to see again.  How amazing is that?  The man was probably amazed by all the things that he could see when he opened his eyes for the first time.  There were many thing that he could have done or have gone to see when he received his sight, but he choose to follow Jesus and praise him for his sight.  Praising Jesus was the right way to respond after he received his sight. 
When the blind man woke up that morning he had no clue that he would be able to see by that evening.  Jesus used this miracle to show us how great his power is and what He can do when we have faith.  What is faith? Faith is believing that God is real.  God can do amazing things in our lives when we have faith as well.  What kind of things can God help you to do in your life?
Seeing Clearly:  To help the children remember the story, have the children make glasses out of pipe cleaners and shower curtain rings.  Use the pipe cleaner to connect two shower curtain rings in the middle, then us another pipe cleaner to make two legs for the glasses and connect them to each side of the glasses lens.  Remind the children that the blind man was able to see again because he had faith and that we should have faith to face our problems as well.
Blindfold Challenge:  This fun game challenges the children to compete a difficult task.  Have the children attempt the challenge one at a time, or in pairs if your children are a little bit older.  Give the child a set of blocks and challenge them to build a tower while blindfolded.  While one child is blindfolded and building, have the other children cheer them on.  Focus on the aspect of teamwork and not on who can build the tallest tower.  Say, in the story, everyone told the blind man to be quiet and leave Jesus alone, but that is not the kind of attitude that God wants us to have.  He wants us to encourage each other and love each other, just like you encouraged each other while you were building.
Be Thankful: Give each child a piece of paper and crayons and ask them to draw something that they are thankful for.  Say, When the blind man regained his sight he was very thankful and immediately began praising God.  What can you thank God for?  God has done amazing things in our lives as well.  Think of one thing that you can thank God for today.  Draw a picture of what you are thankful for.   When everyone has finished drawing their pictures allow the children to take turns sharing what they are thankful for.  End by praying for each child and thanking God for whatever they are thankful for.
Review:  Use the following questions to review the story.

  1. What does it mean to be blind? It means that you cannot see.
  2. Why did the blind man cry out to Jesus?  The man cried out to Jesus because he knew that Jesus was the only one that had the power to give him sight. 
  3. Why didn’t the man stay quiet when everyone around him told him to be quiet?  He knew that the only way he could regain his sight was through Jesus.
  4. Why did Jesus heal the man?  Jesus healed the man because he had faith to believe that Jesus could heal him. 
  5. What did the man do when he was able to see?  He immediately began thanking Jesus and praising him because he could finally see.

Closing:  Read the memory verse to the children again.  “Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” –Luke 18:42.  Say, As you leave Sunday School today remember to have faith in Jesus.  He can do wonderful things in your life, just like he did in the life of the blind begger.  Close the lesson in prayer, thanking God for all of the blessings that he has given the children and praying that they would continue to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.

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