Blank Check Object Lesson (Philippians 3:8) Jesus Paid It All

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Blank Check Object Lesson (Philippians 3:8)
Looking for a way to teach children the value of Jesus’ sacrifice? No way this subject is a one-time and your done lesson. Even us grown ups could use the occasional reminder. Jesus has paid the price but it is crucial that we take personal responsibility for our sin. Maybe this Blank Check Object Lesson will help!

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8

What You’ll Need

  • Poster board
  • Marker
  • Pretend printed checks
  • Pen
  • Easel or push pins

Prepare to Teach
Draw on the poster board to make it look like a check. Use the marker so it stands out. Leave the pay line, amount and signature line blank. Place the poster board on an easel or pinned to the wall. Have printed pretend checks ready for kids to take home.
Let’s Teach
Who knows what this is? That’s right! It’s a check! A check is a promise that your bank will pay the amount on the check. If you live in the US, your check will be for US dollars. If you live in India, it would be rupees. Whatever country you live in, that’s the money that you must pay with, right? If you live in Mexico, your check would for pesos.
In the spiritual world, there are debts and payments too but these aren’t paid with money–no money of any type. No, sin costs us something. It separates us from God. If we want to remain close to God, we have to remove that sin. To do, they have to make a payment. Does anyone know what this payment for sin is? Let’s talk a little more.
See my giant check? Have you ever seen one of them before? I have! I have seen them on television, when someone wins a big prize. Well, this is kind of like that. When we are sinners, we have a big payment due if we want to be with God. Let’s put my name here. (Put your name in the pay line.) I wonder how much it would be? (Let the kids help you come up with a big number. Write that number on the line.
Now comes the hard part. Who is going to pay this big amount? I don’t have this kind of money. Who can pay it? (Let kids make some suggestions.)
I’ll tell you who will pay it–Jesus! He will pay the price–he already did pay the price when he died for you and me! (Sign Jesus name to the check.)
Today I am sending home a blank check with each one of you. When you are alone, I want you to think about what we talked about today. Talk to Jesus, tell him thank you for paying for this sin. You can even sign his name on the line! He has paid the price!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church. Don’t miss our free Bible lesson on the Love of Money and this coloring page about serving two masters.

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