Bible Verse Puzzle Games with Craft Sticks

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I am always looking for a variety of hands-on activities to help kids learn Bible memory verses. Here is a recent activity we tried in kids church using wooden crafts sticks to memorize Matthew 22:39.
Preparation: Write one word on each craft stick for your Bible verse before class. I made three sets so that all the kids could participate in the activities. See photo above for example. On actives with extra sticks I asked older children to use more than one word.
1. Piece the Verse Together: This is similar to bible verse puzzle actives I’ve written about, except kids are working with one word at a time. This means you can do shorter verses. Assign a few older kids to be team leaders. Then distribute one stick per kid, so each has one word. Give any leftovers to team leaders. Then have the children work together to build the bible verse.
2. Bible Verse Draft: Set it up like the first activity, except led the leaders draft kids from the group in turn. If they select a child whose word they already have, that child goes to the next team automatically. This is a fun tie-in with the pro sports drafts that some of our older boys follow.
I’d love to hear your feedback or variations on these activities. Simply leave a comment below to share your ideas.

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1 thought on “Bible Verse Puzzle Games with Craft Sticks”

  1. Thank you for these great ideas, doing crafts differently or make it fun & interesting gets the kids motivated and excited to learn.

    I have cut up the children’s memory verse 2 words each. I folded them up & I put them each in a balloon before I blew the balloon up. The children then had to bust the balloon, get the piece of paper out before starting to put the verse together then they had to

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