Bible Teaching Ideas John 4:5-42 Never Thirst Again / Woman at the Well

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Never Thirst Again!  Sunday School Lesson on Jesus and the Woman at the Well (John 4)

What do we need to live? The answers might seem fairly simple, but what does it mean to be spiritually alive? For children, it can be challenging to understand some of the metaphors Jesus used in His earthly ministry, and what they have to do with our lives. This lesson discusses the story of the woman Jesus met at the well, and how He promised living water that would bring eternal life. We have access to that living water, too, and it is just as essential for our souls as food and water are to our physical bodies!

Don’t miss all our Bible teaching ideas on the Woman at the Well: Craft activities, Children’s Sermon, Bible Teaching Ideas, complete Sunday School lesson, and more children’s ministry ideas.

Jesus gives us what we need. He provides for us in ways that we might not even fully understand. Sometimes it can be difficult for children (or adults) to understand metaphors, and it might be tricky to imagine how Jesus is our “food” or “water.” Sure, we need physical nourishment to sustain us. But even more importantly, we need our souls to be fed, and that only comes through Christ. His blood has given us salvation and allows us to have all we need. Snacks might still leave us hungry for more, but Jesus satisfies what we truly need. 

Passage: John 4:5-42

Target Audience: Kindergarten-6th grade

Materials Needed: Construction paper; paper plates; magazines; glue; markers or crayons; tape; scissors; decorative supplies; cups; string; ; Bibles.

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Never Thirst Again! Sunday School Lesson on Jesus and the Woman at the Well (John 4)

What do we need to live? We need food and water to sustain our physical bodies, but what does it mean to be spiritually alive? This Sunday school lesson is about the story of the woman Jesus encountered at the well in John 4. In this passage, He promises living water that brings eternal life – a promise that all of us can benefit from.

The lesson starts by introducing the main story in John 4:5-42. Children might find it challenging to understand some of the metaphors Jesus used in His earthly ministry, so facilitators should explain these concepts in a way that children can relate to them. For example, they can explain how it might be difficult for us to understand how Jesus goes beyond being “food” or “water” – how He satisfies what we really need with His blood bringing us salvation and granting us all that we require. Snacks can only leave us hungry for more, but Jesus’s offering never runs out!

This lesson is recommended for Kindergarten-6th grade students. To complete the lesson, you will need construction paper; paper plates; magazines; glue; markers or crayons; tape; scissors; decorative supplies; cups; string; Bibles and other items as needed.

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