Bible Lesson: Make Time For God

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Bible Lesson -  Make Time for God
In this passage Jesus gets up early and finds a place to pray before He begins his busy day.  The disciples went looking for him because they did not understand the importance He placed on spending time with God.  Through this lesson children will learn the importance of spending time with God.  God is in control of our lives and wants to be personally involved in our lives.
Lesson Title:   Making Time For God
Bible Reference:  Mark 1:35-39
Target Age Group: Preschool to Elementary
Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: 45 minutes
Focus Verse: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left his house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35
Learning Aim: I can spend time with God.
Basic Supply List:

  1. Bible
  2. Chalk Board
  3. Chalk
  4. Paper Plates
  5. Construction Paper
  6. Crayons
  7. Fasteners
  8. Foam Numbers
  9. Several watches or  Several pictures of a clock

Note: In the teaching plan below the words in italics are meant to be read aloud. The regular text is simply directions for the teacher.
> > > > Basic Teaching Plan < < < <
Introduction: Ask the class to think of things that they do each week.  They may say go to preschool or play at the park, etc.  List these things on the chalk board.  After you have about ten things on the board ask the class which of the activities that are listed on the board that God would like to be involved in.  Talk about each activity and tell them that God is interested in each area of their lives.  Say, God goes with you wherever you go.  He cares about every part of your life and you will find that your life is sweeter when you make spending time with God a top priority.  Now let’s learn about a time when Jesus put time with God first. 
Biblical Evidence: Read Mark 1:35.  Say, How do you feel early in the morning? Tired? Jesus was probably tired too, but he got up early in the morning so that he could spend time praying before He began His day’s work. He knew that there was nothing more important than spending time with Jesus.  He sacrificed sleep to spend time with God.  You may not have to give up sleep to pray to God, but you should make time to read your Bible and pray every day. 
Read Mark 1:36-37.  Say, The disciples did not understand the importance in spending time with God like Jesus did.  Jesus knew that He needed to prepare for His work.  You can prepare for your day by spending time with God also.
Read Mark 1:38-39.  Say, Next, Jesus follows through by getting up and working.  He relies on God and God gives Him strength. Make time for God each day!
Jesus Praying: Have each child draw a portrait of themselves praying.  Encourage them to hang the picture somewhere in their home where it will remind them to pray each day.
Make Time Craft: Make a clock to remind each child to make time for God. Use a paper plate as the clock base.  Glue foam numbers on the plate to make the clock numbers.  Cut arrows out of black construction paper and fasten to the paper plate with a small fastener (You may want to have the arrows cut out beforehand).  Write “Make Time for God” on the background of the plate.
Find Time for God: Say an activity out loud such as clapping hands or jumping jacks. Spin the arrow on the clock and the children must do that activity that number of times.  So if it lands on the five then they must do five jumping jacks.  Keep playing until the class loses interest.
Finding Time: Bring several watches to class or print several small picture of a clock before class.  Hide these pictures around the room before the class arrives.  Have an Easter egg style hunt to find all of the hidden clocks.  Remind all the children that they should find time spend with God every day.
Closing: Close the lesson by spending time with God in prayer.
Image courtesy of Sweet Publishing and Distant Shores Media

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