Bible Lesson: God Can Break the Chains of Sin

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break-the-chainThis lesson strives to help children understand that sin is like a chain that is bounding them.  Sin may seem good at first, but the repercussions are always negative.  We cannot be free as long as we are surrounded by sin.  Only God has the power to forgive our sins and our hope must be in him.
Lesson Title:   All Tied Up
Bible Reference:  1 John 1:5 – 1 John 2:2
Target Age Group: Elementary
Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: One Hour
Image Credits: Sweet Publishing and Distant Shores Media
Memory Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Learning Aim: 

  1. Children will learn that we are responsible for our sins and that our hope is in God, because he can forgive our sins.

Basic Supply List:

  1. Bible
  2. Poster Board
  3. Markers/Crayons/Pencils

Note: In the teaching plan below the words in italics are meant to be read aloud. The regular text is simply directions for the teacher.
> > > > Basic Teaching Plan < < < <
Introduction: Greet each child as they arrive.  Work together to create a paper chain.  You will need to have pieces of construction paper cut into long strips ready before the kids arrive.  Curl the pieces of paper and tape or staple them together.  Explain to the class that this is a chain.  Tell them that our chain is made out of paper, but some chains are made out of other materials such as metal.
Biblical Evidence:
Begin by reading 1 John 1:5-7.  Say, In our lives we often sin. This is our human nature.  Sin is not good for us because it separates us from God.  We cannot have both our sin and our God because God is too good to be around sin.  Some people may think that they can have both, but they are tricking themselves.  We are not truly free if we have sin in our lives.  Sin is like this chain that we made.  We are tied up in it.  We can still get around a little bit but we are not free.  At this point ask the kids to imagine what it might feel like to be wrapped up in chains.  They might say that it would feel sad, or weigh them down, or like a prisoner.  Explain that when we have sin in our lives we are prisoners to that sin.  Say, We cannot save ourselves, but that is ok because we don’t have to.  Look at the end of verse 7 again.  Jesus can save us from our sins.  Jesus can save us from our sins because he has never sinned before.  Many years ago he did on a cross for us.  His death was horrible, but it was necessary because it made a way for us to be saved.  We should be the ones that die for our sin, but Jesus died for us instead. 
Read 1 John 1:8-9.  Say, If we want Jesus to save us and take away our sins, then we have to ask him to do so.  We have to tell him the sins that we have committed and if we really understand that we need him then he will forgive our sins and save us.  It’s like he takes away the chains and we are free. 
Read 1 John 1:10-2:2.  Say, Everyone one of us has sinned, and the only way that we can survive this sin is by telling Jesus what we have done and asking him to forgive us.  If we do this, Jesus will take away the chains of sin and we will be free. 
Missionary Tag:  This game is similar to sharks and minnows.  Start the game with on child in the middle of the field.  This one child is it and is the Missionary.  The Missionary will tag people to make them become missionaries as well.  Once someone has become a missionary they will help tag the other people.  The game is over when all of the children have been tagged.
Good News Newspaper: Have the class work together to create a Good News Newspaper.  Have each student write a paragraph about Jesus.  If they are Christians then they could write about becoming a Christian.  Or they could write about Jesus and how he sets us free from our sins.  Draw illustrations for your paper and hang it up in your classroom as a reminder of all that Jesus has done for you.
Memory Verse Sparkle: To play this game have all of the children line up shoulder to shoulder.  Each child will say one word of the Bible verse until you get to the end of the verse.  The last child will say sparkle.  Then you start over saying the verse again.  If a child gets a word wrong then then they have to sit down.  The last child standing is the winner.
Lesson Review: Use these questions as a review for the lesson.

  1. What is sin? Sin is something that we do that is directly disobedient of God’s commands. Answers may vary.
  2.  Who is the only person who has never sinned? Jesus
  3. Can we save ourselves from our sins? No.
  4. Who can save us from our sin? Jesus
  5. What must we do if we want to be saved from our sins? Ask Jesus for forgiveness for our sins. 
  6. Jesus is a sacrifice for our sins.  What does this mean? Jesus took our place and died on the cross.  He died so that we can have a chance at life. 

Conclusion: Close by praying with the class, thanking God for his willingness to give us forgiveness and Jesus’ sacrifice. 

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