Bible Lesson: A Giving Christmas Party

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Lesson: A Giving Christmas Party
Want to throw a Christmas Party that matters? In this event-filled lesson, “A Giving Christmas Party,” children will participate in a mission project, craft, and game that all encompass giving. They will learn that God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus (Romans 6:23) is why Christmas should be about giving.
OBJECTIVE: To provide opportunities for children to experience the blessing of giving in honor of God’s Christmas gift to us, Jesus.
MAIN IDEA: Giving presents to others gives us the opportunity to share the message of Jesus’ birth and salvation while putting our faith to practice as we put others first.
SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Romans 6:23, John 13:34, Job 10:12, Titus 3:14, Acts 4:32, Matthew 28:18-20
MATERIAL(S): supplies for gift/care packages (including small cards with scriptures), snacks and drinks, colored construction paper, scissors, markers, tape, Christmas playing cards (free print out from our website), small prize (optional), individual and unique gifts for each class member
Don’t miss our hundreds of free Christmas ideas for Sunday School and Bible lessons for Advent
Introduction (15 minutes)
MISSIONS ACTIVITY: Search for an organization that will accept small gifts or care packages for needy children (e.g. local foster care or foreign orphan care ministries). Bring any necessary supplies for the class to participate in preparing the gifts/care packages. Say, “Today’s party is about giving because God gave us Jesus. Let’s read and reflect on Romans 6:23 as we prepare these special gifts.” Take the time to explain where the gifts are going and help the students express God’s love through small notes or scriptures to be included with each gift (consider preparing these notes ahead of time).
OPENING PRAYER: “God, thank you for the gift of Jesus! Please help us lead others to you when we give gifts. Amen.”
Lesson and Craft (10 minutes)

  1. Pass out the Christmas snacks and drinks. Say, “We have special treats today to celebrate Jesus’ birth! Feel free to snack as we start the lesson.” Read the following verses to start listing things God gave us that we can also give to others: John 13:34 (love), Job 10:12 (kindness), Titus 3:14 (provisions for needs), Acts 4:32 (sharing blessings/possessions), Matthew 28:18-20 (message of salvation). Ask the students to come up with additional things they can give to others because they know Christ.
  2. Pass out the strips of construction paper and markers and ask the students to write one word from the “giving” list on each strip. Then make a paper chain from the strips by taping the strips through one another and display the completed chain somewhere in the classroom. Say, “This giving chain we made as a class will be a reminder to give to others because God gave us Jesus.”

 “Go Search” Christmas Card Game (10 minutes)
Print and cut apart the Christmas playing cards ahead of time (available in the provided title link). Say, “The shepherds searched for Jesus, so we are going to play a game that reminds us to search for opportunities to give to others.” Explain that the game is “Go Search” and is played like “Go Fish.” Each class member will hold five cards and take turns requesting specific cards from another person in order to make pairs. As they “give” cards away, emphasize that it’s very important to give spiritual gifts to one another (as portrayed by the cards) because God gave us Jesus. Whoever has the most paired cards at the end of the game is the winner (consider bringing a small prize).
Conclusion and Presents (5 minutes)
RECAP: Say, “We give to others because God gave us Jesus!” Past out the individual presents to each class member while saying, “This gift is for you, because God gave me Jesus.”
CLOSING PRAYER: “God, thank you for allowing us to give to others today! Please help us continue giving to others and sharing your message of salvation throughout the year. Amen.”

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