Bible Craft Ideas on Jesus The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)

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There are several Biblical references that involve sheep. The lifestyle of the first century made this an applicable metaphor, as there were many who were involved in the business of livestock care. Even with that familiarity, people did not always readily understand sheep stories (“This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.” -John 10:6). Sheep are entirely dependent on the shepherd, as we are dependent on God. Jesus promises to be our shepherd, to guide us and lead us and lay down His life for us. Here is another fun sheep creation to add to your repertoire, as well as a sheepish snack!

YouTube video

Verses or Captions to Consider…  (Main Text: John 10:1-10)

 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. -John 10:11

The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. -John 10:3

The LORD is my shepherd!

More Teaching Ideas:

Craft one: “Sheep on a Stick” or “Tube Sheep”

You will need:

  • Paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  • Markers, stickers, or other decorating materials
  • Glue stick or bottle
  • Cotton Balls
  • Pipe cleaners, google eyes (optional)
  • Clothespins or popsicle sticks


  1. Decide how you will build your sheep. If using a longer tube, you may need to cut it into two pieces (a shorter head and longer body).
  2. Using glue, place cotton balls or cotton around the cardboard tubes for wool.
  3. Decorate the head with eyes, ears, a mouth, and more cotton.
  4. Cut small slits on the bottom of the tube, and insert popsicle sticks or clothespins for legs. Use another stick to attach the head to the body.
  5. Add a fluffy tail and additional decorations or verses as desired. Enjoy your new sheep friend/puppet/decoration!

Craft Two: “Edible Sheep” Snack  

You will need:

  • Paper plates
  • Pretzel sticks or rods
  • Large and/or miniature marshmallows
  • M&Ms (optional)
  • Coconut (optional)


  1. Decorate the paper plate if desired. Option: tint coconut green with food coloring (shake it in a Ziploc bag with a few drops of dye) and use as grass. 
  2. Create your “sheep”: use pretzel sticks inserted into large marshmallows to serve as legs and tail pieces. Use another pretzel to attach a “head” with an additional marshmallow (miniature version or large).
  3. Add a candy face or additional sheep elements if desired. Enjoy your edible craft. It shouldn’t taste too “baaaaad”! 😉 
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