Beating the Winter Blues… maintaining motivation in your children's ministry

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Beating the Blustery Blues… tips for defeating winter doldrums and maintaining motivation
The winter let-down…Christmas wrappings are hauled away, fruit cake is steadily hardening, temperatures are dropping, and schedules are returning to normal routine. Following the hype and hubbub of the holiday season, the winter months can sometimes seem dreary. Between cold weather and lack of significant events, it’s tempting to fall into apathy in any area of our lives, be it work or teaching or church or even parenting. It is no wonder some animals hibernate through this time! But there are plenty of wonderful ways to celebrate this season and remember God’s blessings throughout it. And there are great activities to pump up the fun for Sunday school and beyond. Here are some ideas to get started…

  • Honor God’s temple. Perhaps you have already made personal physical goals and resolutions in the New Year, but it is important to remember to take care of yourself so that you can teach and take care of others. Make sure that you are taking in proper nutrition, including vitamins and nutrients. Get quality sleep to recharge batteries. And make sure to get plenty of exercise. Even if it is just a few minutes of walking, regular movement gives body and brain a boost!
  • Make a Godly goal. Take this time to focus on jump-starting, re-starting, or staying firm in prayer life, daily coming before God in true worship. Pray over Sunday school lessons and over each student. Prepare your heart adequately. And spend quality time in Bible study, digging deep to find new meaning in stories and passages that may have become trite.
  • Have a beach bash! Beat the summer blues with a fun summer-themed party. Invite your Sunday school (or any church kids) students to the church with beach towels and lawn chairs. If the power bill allows it crank up the heat and slurp on some popsicles. Play summer games, maybe bringing back favorites from a VBS program.  Bring in a sand pit or some kinetic sand to play around with and have a sand castle building contest. Tell the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego with fiery furnace emphasis. Play some groovy tunes and get moving to the music!
  • Comfort food and drink…help your class spread a little cheer by concocting some tasty treats…write special notes and create hot cocoa kits, cookie packages, or soup kits. Pass these out to church members or shut-ins, and be sure to enjoy some yourself!
  • Be grateful. If you are feeling down or blue (or running out of lesson ideas), take some time to count blessings. Make a list with your class. Think of people around the country and around the world with so much less, and be delighted in what you have. Appreciate the beauty of winter!
  • Plan ahead! It is never too early to think about summer activities…plow through winter by gearing up for Vacation Bible School, summer camp, swimming lessons and more! Brainstorm the blues away with a pen and a smile.

Don’t miss these other ideas from our website:

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