B-I-B-L-E Puzzle Worksheet

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Bible Puzzle Word Find
Do your kids sing the song B-I-B-L-E? I know my preschool/kindergarten class love to sing that song. Most of them are learning how to read and write and want to know how to spell things around them. Singing the song is a good thing, but I wanted to take it a step further.

I created this B-I-B-L-E Puzzle to help them learn to spell/read the word Bible. All they do is find the B-I-B-L-E letters in a row and circle them. Repetition is a great way to learn and this is just that. The word “Bible” is written all over the puzzle. To get them started, you, as the teacher, can talk about how to spell Bible and even write it on the whiteboard to help them in the beginning.
I don’t think it will take them very long to catch on though. Completing this puzzle will give your children confidence in their spelling/reading as well as teaching them how to spell the word – Bible.
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