Am I Doing My Best?

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“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23 NASB

childrens-ministry-visionThis is a verse that I tell my children over and over, especially when they are having a bad attitude about doing their work. My goal is for them to have a good work ethic, so when they go out into the “real world”, they will be able to handle the hard work that is required. I want them to do their best in whatever they do.
What about myself? Am I doing my best in everything? Am I doing all that I do “as if working for the Lord”? If I was honest with myself, I would have to unfortunately answer, “No”. I forget that whatever I do, I need to do it for the Lord. No matter what it is that I am doing. Whether it be doing laundry, washing dishes, helping my kids with their schoolwork, or teaching a lesson to my Sunday School class on Sundays.
Why is it that we put our work in categories of importance? Why do we think that the only work that “counts” is the work that gets a paycheck or gets noticed by others? All work is important as long as we’re doing it for the right reasons.
The next time we feel like the work we do is unimportant, and our attitude is not the greatest, we need to tell ourselves the following verse:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23 NASB

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