Abingdon VBS 2019 "Whoosh"

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It’s a little late in the VBS planning, but if you still need curriculum for 2019 this is your chance. We just unboxed this year’s Vacation Bible School materials from Cokesbury and Abingdon Press.

Don’t miss the official websites for Whoosh VBS and To Mars and Beyond

Watch the videos below and leave me a comment sharing your first impressions.

To Mars and Beyond VBS 2019 from Cokesbury

YouTube video
To Mars and Beyond VBS from Cokesbury Starter Kit

Whoosh VBS 2019 from Abingdon Press

YouTube video
Abingdon Press Whoosh VBS 2019 Starter Kit

The original give way on this post has ended and I’ve notified the winners via email. Thanks to everyone who offered such great feedback. ~ Tony K 4/22/19

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

56 thoughts on “Abingdon VBS 2019 "Whoosh"”

  1. Hi Tony,
    I think that it is about time we integrate science in with Bible lessons s the children will know and it will not be looked at as something non-Christian. It looks good!
    For Swoosh, we value diversity at our church and I think this curriculum will fit in well. Love it!

  2. We normally put together our own VBS curriculum but the To Mars and Beyond looks so fun! My son watched the promo video on their site with me and kept saying “Play it again! I want to hear the music!”

  3. Hi, In the past as Director of VBS for our parish, I have ordered VBS Kits from Our Sunday Visitor. This year we are doing a Space theme, and the To Mars & Beyond kit looks great. We do always have a Science Station in our rotation–so this looks great. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly have free materials as our budget is limited.
    Thanks for sharing this information with us. God bless.

  4. To Mars and Beyond VBS would work very well for our church because it would not take as many teachers to run it. I like how there is science as well as the recreation, music, crafts, and story teller. We have a small number of children that attend so dividing up into age groups is not necessary. We have not had VBS in our rural town of 300 for way too many years and it shows in how the children interact. We need to get VBS going again! Receiving this kit for free would enable our church to bring VBS back into the community. Thank you for this opportunity. God Bless you all!

  5. The video was very informative. A very good n thing you guys are doing in giving it away. I declare a thousand fold return on your seed sown

  6. After looking at the various VBS themes, we have decided to use the Mars one. I trust Cokesbury to have Wesleyan content. I love the choice of Bible stories.

  7. Both of these resources look like a lot of fun! I teach at a Christian school and I also belong to a small church and we’re looking for outreach ideas and a community VBS would be neat using these materials!

  8. I love To Mars and Beyond. It is truly holistic catering for all age groups . I’m sure our kids would be excited for vbs

  9. Mars and Beyond looks just like the direction my kids will love to take! Perhaps, we can build a spacecraft!

  10. Awesome! Much needed material for our small church. Thanks for giving everyone a possibility to win! God bless you all!

  11. I like the science part. I believe we all need to remember that science, knowledge, comes from God. Science is dependent on God. He made the laws of gravity, etc.

  12. Both of these kits look great. Our kids ministry is a very multi-ethnic group, but they all love science. So hard to pick. Several kids have said that at school (and TV shows) they have hear you either have to believe science or God. We let them know that God created science when He created the world!

  13. I would love this kit for my homeschool/ Bible school with my 3 to 6 year olds. The music with motions will engage them, plus my six year old is very fascinated with the heavens to the point that I am teaching her about the three heavens that the Bible teach about. Plus, I would like my girls to go into STEAM careers as young Christian women.
    We need a lot of Bible believing, Christ centered women scientist! And yes, like Tony stated, I am sure between them, stickers will be all over our car, plus the walls, in the bathroom, etc. LOL!
    This is my first time hearing about Abingdon. I would like to sample them too!

  14. Hi Tony, I love to have that vbs materials from cokesbury. twill surely bring excitement to the kids and an enjoyable teaching experience to teach children with a science lesson object.
    thank you for sharing it withbus. Godbless your ministry.

  15. I love the Robot themed VBS kit. Science is so HUGE with kiddos in school…more so than back in my school days LOL and I know the kids would LOVE it. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! Love and prayers!! Karon

  16. Love the space theme and I like that there’s a science station for each lesson. The kids love that stuff!

  17. I was visualizeing how I could use these kits in my pre k VBS class, with each kit having plenty .of good material, awww,I could keep my class engaged, excited and enthusiasted!!!!

  18. Cokesbury always does a great job with their VBS resources. The Mars and Beyond kit looks awesome!!

  19. Those both look very fun and so complete! Definitely a open and go kind of curriculum which is great when you have volunteers that are not a part of your ongoing children’s ministry and they are more comfortable with a detailed curriculum guide. Our church utilizes the high School ministry as leaders in the VBS outreach. thanks for the opportunity to win!

  20. I love the Whoosh material. 8 of us are due to go to Kenya on a Mission trip at the end of June, and I think this material would be very suitable for us to use with the Orphans to whom well be ministering in Limuru.

  21. To Mars looks especially good with all the usual things. But I like that it shows you the craft and allows you to make your own. Also that part of the program is on video so that if there aren’t enough adults to help, you can use the video to help with part of the program. The science part of it is great.
    Woosh is a wonderful diversity experience including the booklets….I wish there could be one that really showed diversity in all the pictures wirh all cultures! I like that there is a segment from the African American Museum and an historical segment. So vs with good beats are a plus our kids would enjoy.

  22. What an investment into the future of God’s church! Amazing memories for each and every kid. VBS gives us real opportunity to reach our community and making the preparation so much easier for the volunteers.

  23. Students enjoy learning when they see individuals that look like them in their studies. I am a member of a predominantly African American church.

  24. It’s really great to see different choices for the mostly African theme I been doing this a long time and most all you have is 1 choice and it looks really good I would love to do this with our kids at Seay’s Chapel

  25. I really like the science component in “Mars” kit; but also appreciate the multi-cultural aspect of “Whoosh”. As a former VBS director and current POINT person for PCUSA, I would recommend Cokesbury kits to novice directors because they are very comprehensive in their handbooks and guides.

  26. Love the material Ministry To Children provides for our youngsters. Thank you for the wonderful Biblical studies you give us to use. I know that VBS will be as great!!!

  27. Wow! Awesome VBS curriculums. Great idea to include Science stem lessons in Cokesbury curriculum. Both curriculums would enhance any VBS program

  28. Love all the materials, very interested in Whoosh and learning about the different artifacts, museums, and cultures; not only for African Americans but to share with all people.

  29. Hi Rosita – We just did the random drawing and your comment was picked. I’m emailing you with details.

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