"A is for Almighty" Coloring Page

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free "A is for Almighty" coloring page
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This is the first sheet in our free Bible Alphabet coloring pages for children. For each illustration in this project, we are letting our readers chose the concepts.
Directions: Simply click on the preview image to the right or select your prefered file type below. The PDF is easy to print and the JPEG allows advanced users to edit the image for their own custom projects.

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  • JPEG advanced editing

The idea behind this “A is for Almighty” coloring page is simple. We should start our Bible alphabet with the character of God. The illustrations point to his sovereign power in creation and his daily providence over all that He has made.
If you enjoy this coloring sheet, you can leave a comment below for Mandy. You can find more printables like this when you browse all our free Christian Coloring pages.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

7 thoughts on “"A is for Almighty" Coloring Page”

  1. thank you so much for this ready made lesson.it is very helpful for me …God bless you much.

  2. Thank you, teaching my 2 year old the alphabet. He knows all his letters and sounds but I want something biblical that he can characterize the alphabet with. This is going to be helpful and fun lesson.

  3. Thank you for providing these resources for our church! We use this site constantly. Prayers for all who work on this site. 🙂

  4. I just recently found your website while looking for Children’s lessons and I am so excited to have the availability of these resources! My husband and I have been missionaries since 2002 and until just recently, we were in a French speaking African country. While there, I wrote my own lessons in French because it is hard to find biblically correct materials, especially in French. We recently just moved to an English speaking mission field and so now I am translating my lessons, which are from Creation to the end of Paul’s life, to English but I really wanted some extra lessons, especially topical. I have downloaded your “What is God Like” lessons and some others as well. Thank you so much for all you do! It is really a big help to be able to have these resources so that not so much of my time is taken up writing more lessons.

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