9 Things That Will Surprise You About Children's Ministry

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9 Things That Will Surprise You About Children's Ministry
I realize I may be “preaching to the choir” here but I had to share this list. After twenty years in kids’ ministry, I’m still in shock and awe at how much people really don’t know about what we kids min folks actually do.
So for fun, I put together this snapshot of 9 things that might surprise you (or someone you know) about children’s ministry If you know someone who is considering working in children’s ministry or someone who may not “get it,” share this blog post. Feel free to add you own things we may not know.

  1. You have to study. Yep! You can’t teach a class or lead children’s church from your daily devotional leftovers. Just like big church, the children’s pastor studies and prepares all week long.
  2. Commitment is required. Boy and how! When you sign up for children’s ministry you have to be there. You can’t do this ministry hit or miss, not effectively anyway. You have to be there every time you’re scheduled to show up. Families are counting on you.
  3. Children’s ministry leaders are more than “glorified” babysitters.
  4. The children’s pastor, leader and volunteer regularly encounters spiritual opposition. Prayers are needed at all times. (Please cover them.)
  5. Ministry takes preparation. As easy as we make it look, ministry takes preparation. That means arranging the room, tidying up the place, making copies…the list is endless.
  6. You have to practice. This is especially true if you present skits, puppet plays or active praise and worship. All the leaders have to be on the same page.
  7. You have to get skilled at discerning other people’s gifts and callings. Praying for a children’s worship leader? The person God selects may surprise you! Working in kids min, you have to learn how to discern gifts and God-sent talent.
  8. Your word matters. It makes or breaks hearts. Small hearts. The soft and squishy kind that God loves. Don’t break children’s hearts or cause them to lose faith in Him by not keeping your word.
  9. It’s not about the children’s leader. So when you see a children’s minister standing on a stage receiving some well-deserved applause, you clap too. Those cheers may be all the appreciation he gets for a while and he doesn’t mind. It’s not about him and he knows it.

Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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