7 Surprise Requirements to Become a Children's Pastor

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boy-preacherDepending on Bible college or seminary to prepare you for a children’s pastor role?
Well, you might be in for a shock! As an eighteen-year veteran in children’s ministry, I can tell you that there are some surprise requirements to serving in this field. Luckily, most of them you probably already have within you, all you need is to tap into being a kid again.
1. You must have a sense of humor. If laughing at yourself is a challenge for you then children’s ministry may not be the place for you. A children’s pastor must know how to laugh when appropriate. Of course, laughing at kids isn’t cool. Laughing with them and encouraging them to see the humor in a situation is very cool indeed.
2. You must value kid hood. A good children’s pastor must value the kid years and teach their students to do the same. Don’t jump on the hurry up and grow up bandwagon. Value their childhood.
3. You must know all the Disney princesses. Actually, you should probably also know a few Lego and Pixar characters too. It’s crucial for speaking kid language.
4. You must be willing to pray for pets, all those who have already passed on. Kids love their pets; for many kids their pets are their best friends. Be willing to love pets and pray for them when asked. If you are asked to pray for a dead pet, don’t bat an eyelash. Pray but lean more towards praying for the child who is obviously missing the late Fluffy.
5. You must master the edible object lesson. There’s something wonderful about an object lesson that you can snack on. Learn how to think outside the box when it comes to presenting biblical principles. Use cookies and candies or anything that kids want to eat for an object lesson.
6. Resist the urge to treat kids like adults. Children are not mini adults. They are unique, interesting, loving people who love God in a big way. However, they can also cry at the drop of a hat or laugh at a funny word. Don’t be disappointed in their childish ways, love them for who they are.
7. Walk the fine line between fun and teaching. You’ll be criticize; you may even hear things like, “Do you really need to use tarps in children’s church?” Just smile and move along. God loves children and He made you creative so you could speak “kid.” Don’t be ashamed of the fun!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
You might also enjoy our post, “Funny Job Requirements for a Children’s Pastor.
On a more serious note, read Jenny’s article on starting out right as a new children’s minister.

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