6 Things a New Children's Pastor Should Do

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checklist for new children's pastorCongratulations, new children’s pastor!
The local church needs you and decided that you were the perfect match for their kids. Before you take the reins and hold your first service, make sure you do these six things. It is important to assess the current status of the ministry before you plan your next kids’ crusade or event; this checklist will help! By laying a solid foundation or shoring up an existing one, you’ll build something that lasts and lasts.
1. Meet with current teachers and volunteers individually and ask questions. Talk about what they have enjoyed and what they would like to see changed. Ask for input on ideas you have. Strengthening relationships with volunteers can only help you serve kids and families better.
2. Introduce yourself to parents. Provide them with information on the services you will offer. Listen to them if they have concerns and ask them to tell you about their child. (Parents love talking about their children.) Take notes if you need to and work hard on remembering names.
3. Spend some time observing the current children’s ministry—but only observe. What is missing? What should be changed? What can improve? Take note of curriculum and material needs too.
4. Do a walkthrough of the facility. What needs do you see? If you don’t absolutely love it, what can you change? At the very least the kids’ church should be clean and tidy. Pay attention to security issues too.
5. Talk to the senior pastor about funding for children’s church upgrades. You should know exactly what your funding options are. Do you need to plan fundraisers? Are you assigned a budget? What can you spend each month or quarter? Don’t allow the excitement of your new position (and it sure is exciting) lead you to skip these important questions.
6. Talk to some of the kids. Meet the kids! (This is the most fun part of the checklist.) Ask them to tell you what their favorite snacks are, their favorite memory in kids’ church. Again, do make an effort to remember names.
I know you want to jump right in there and serve but do take your time. Gathering the above details before your official kick-off will keep the ball rolling!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
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