6 Powerful New Year's Resolutions for the Children's Pastor

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New Year's Resolutions for the Children's Pastor
Congratulations on finishing a year in ministry! Children’s ministry gives us all so much joy but there’s a huge amount of work that goes along with those wacky games and heartrending lessons. Even though I had some successes in the Lord this year, I keenly remember those moments I missed it. That’s why I love seeing the arrival of the New Year. It’s a fresh slate for everyone, a reminder of God’s grace and forgiveness. If you’re tired of penning a list of resolutions but never seeing them fulfilled it’s not too late. Borrow these six powerful, yet simple resolution ideas and take off running into the New Year!
I will love more. Instead of focusing on a smaller dress size or bigger noggin, ask God to help you love more. That’s a worthy resolution. Focus your January devotions on the subject of God’s love. Let the verses circumcise your heart and you’ll see the evidence of deeper love.
I am committed to seeing kids saved. Get back to the basics this year. Resist the urge to nest over your chicks — go find that one last sheep. Ask God for a specific number of souls each month, steadily increasing your goal every month or quarter.
I will enable parents to parent. Kids need their children’s pastor in much more complicated ways than they used to. As a Christian teacher, part of our mandate is to teach parents basic life and parenting skills. Even if you don’t have the credentials or education to teach such courses, provide a list of resources for parents. Include them in a monthly newsletter or on your ministry’s social networking pages.
I will keep it simple. I love, love, love resources like Ministry-to-Children. It’s so convenient to have such great information at my fingertips. However, like a lot of kids’ leaders, I have a tendency to over complicate things. Spend this year less confused! Keep everything as simple as possible, that includes the lesson, the worship and the outreaches. Don’t do so much that you and everyone else is confused.
I will believe God. He can tell you some incredible things like “You are a deliverer,” or “You will preach my Word.” I think sometimes that God backs away from telling us His amazing plans because he sees our disbelief. Other times, he challenges our thinking with some bold statements. This year, commit to believing God in everything He declares.
I will prepare before Saturday. Notice I didn’t say Sunday? It always seems so far away until Sunday of course. If you lack in this area, make a New Year’s resolution to prepare well in advance of your meeting. What a difference it makes to walk in ready to go. Now that’s powerful!

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

1 thought on “6 Powerful New Year's Resolutions for the Children's Pastor”

  1. You will not believe how powerful this was for me to stumble upon today. This has completely ministered to me today! Thank you for blessing me this new year!

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