6 More Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy

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6 more things that the children's pastor CRAZY
When I penned my recent article, 10 Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy I had no idea that I’d be starting such an expansive conversation. However, I am glad we can talk and share with one another and hopefully, encourage a children’s pastor who may be asking, “Does anyone understand?”
To those passing by these posts and subsequent comments, (including parents and other ministry workers) please don’t doubt our commitment to your kids. We love them—and we love you! Still, it won’t hurt our feelings if you feel compelled to Share, Like or Pin these articles. You know, just to get the word out.
All credit to the many children’s ministry workers who shared and contributed to this bonus post!
1. When parents drop kids off way too early. Having an extra pair of willing hands curbside when I’m rolling out of the car on Sunday morning is nice. I can always use help with carrying snacks, crafts, prizes (and my less-than-healthy, drive thru breakfast) but if it’s more than 30 minutes before class I’m not ready to take in kids. I do try to prepare ahead of time to avoid this challenge but I’m not always successful. Please understand if I can’t allow kids to register super-early.
2. Curriculum that is complicated or brand focused. I need curriculum that I don’t have to take a class to use. Please make curriculum that the average Jane (or Joe) can use without too many product support calls.
3. Aspiring leaders who consider children’s ministry a stepping stone to “something greater.” Okay, I do get that not everyone is called to children’s ministry and that it is a good trying ground for new and emerging ministers but please recognize the importance of this field of ministry.
4. Not being invited to the grownup table. It’s true that eventually I will probably migrate to the children’s table–I mean after all, those are my peeps! However, I do like to at least be invited to the grownup table.
5. When kids don’t come to play practice but parents expect them to participate. Okay, this one might be just me. My ministry leans heavily towards evangelism. Practically speaking, this means I don’t always have a bunch of regulars. I can’t tell you how many Christmas plays are basically narratives because it is impossible to teach kids lines with just a practice or two. Help me out Mom and Dad!
6. Volunteers who want to debunk popular culture. I’m not pro-Santa or on Team Easter Bunny; as a matter of fact, if you visit my home on these holidays you’ll see that I set a more spiritual tone. If you attend my children’s church you’ll know we celebrate traditional Christian holidays without all the cultural hoopla. That being said, I don’t find it my place to squash family traditions. Please volunteers, don’t use children’s church as ground zero for a “truth” mission. We respect our parents and grandparents.
Did I miss any this time? Leave a comment and let me know what drives you crazy. It’s okay to vent a little…
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
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