6 Cool Halloween Alternatives for Kids Ministry

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bible-times-kids-costumesHalloween isn’t exactly a Christian holiday but during this time of year, we sure do have a great opportunity to minister to children. We can hide out in our bunker (metaphorically, of course) until the spookiness is over or we can reach into the darkness and pull kids closer to the cross. I know you agree with me, that the latter is better. Still, I’m not hosting a Halloween party but I use Halloween alternatives. Trunk or treats and fall festivals are okay, but there are a few other ideas you can use if you want an event idea that may be less common.
Princess and warrior party: All kids love dressing up, no matter what time of year it is. Host your own costume party. Boys get to dress up as their favorite warriors with joker teeth grill and girls get to show up in princess gear. I would advise leaving the warriors plastic weapons at the door though. You could have princess versus warrior games and have tons of fall snacks.
Planetarium: If your budget allows, purchase a lighted planetarium from a hobby store. These nifty tools display constellations on the ceiling of a darkened room. Play some Space Odyssey music or some Christian music like “Awesome God” or “Indescribable.”
Progressive Halloween party: Ask members of your church to help you host a progressive fall party. One address will have the appetizers, another address offers the entree and the last address could serve desserts and treats. Kids can ring the door bell and give them the old, “Trick or treat!” (And you won’t have to worry about bad candy.)
Flashlight scavenger hunt: Let kids enjoy the spooky factor by hosting a flashlight scavenger hunt. You need a safe backyard with no pot holes or dangerous areas. Hide a box of chocolate coins or other fall candies in an airtight box. Create a scavenger hunt list and let the kids search for the treats — with flashlights!
Justice League crusade: Here’s another dress up idea — a Justice League kids crusade. All kids get to dress up as their favorite character and you get a great audience for a fun children’s church lesson. You can offer a costume contest and wacky superhero games.
Big box maze: I love a corn maze but not many of us own a corn field we can use as a holiday maze. However, if you can get your hands on several dozen large boxes like refrigerator boxes, you can create a fun maze for kids to explore. Tape the boxes together, turn out the lights and give maze walkers flashlights. Fun!
I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for Halloween. Don’t let this holiday pass by without reaching out to the kids in your community!

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