6 Childhood Truths We Need to Remember — Today and Everyday

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6 Childhood Truths We All Need to Remember
It’s a little secret that every mother knows…
No matter how much we love spending time with our kids, the grown-up world is always working to steal our joy.
I am approaching the twenty-year mark in children’s ministry? Where did the time go? I have enjoyed every minute of it–I feel a little selfish for loving it so much. Working with kids keeps me young–and it reminds me to be childlike, which I know pleases Jesus.
I was thinking today about how some of the truth from childhood we forget. Here are six things I wanted to share with you and challenge myself to remember too.

1. People that get hurt need a hug.

Don’t let your heart become so hard that it’s not moved by the feelings of others. Children give hugs. Adults give advice. You don’t always have to be an adult.

2. It’s not gross to share.

Remember when you’d share a lollipop and it wasn’t gross? The exchange of germs isn’t desirable but the sharing party–yeah, that’s God-approved. Share with others.

3. It feels good to laugh.

Don’t be so serious. Find humor in your daily walk. Don’t stifle the laughter.

4. Naps are good.

While this may not be doable during the work week, treat yourself to one occasionally. Seriously, naps are good.

5. Playtime heals the soul.

Every week do something you enjoy. Frolic in the leaves, take a swim in a creek, do something you enjoyed as a child.

6. The cure to insecurity is holding a hand.

Those moments you feel afraid, reach out to someone. Hold someone’s hand. Hand holding reminds us that God is always with us. Always.
It’s impossible to turn back the hands of time and remain a certain age but we can remember to be a child. Do the things children do. Not so much the foolishness but we should become more loving, more humble, more grateful–be a kid!
Anyone remember what Jesus said about the children?

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3.

What can you do to remember these truths today? We’ve love to hear about it in the comment section. As always, we’re honored when you share these encouraging ideas with your friends on Facebook and Pinterest too.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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2 thoughts on “6 Childhood Truths We Need to Remember — Today and Everyday”

  1. I know just how you feel about your ministry. I am retiring from mine after 30 years. I still love every minute that I spend preparing for the children, but now it is time to let someone younger with newer ideas take over. Sad but, when it is right you know. God bless you for all of your wonderful messages. Karen

  2. Thanks for reminding me to be a kid….I’m teaching Sunday school for first time for teens along with mission friends…it helps me not to take life so seriously that I stifle laughter much needed in my life

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