5 Exciting VBS Water Games

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5 Exciting Water Games for Vacation Bible School
Water games are always fun when it comes to VBS recreation, so here’s a list of exciting and amusing games ideal for keeping the kids cool each day.

  1. Basket-Head Balloon Toss

Materials: Two circular laundry baskets, water balloons, timer
Instructions: Divide the kids into two teams and pick someone from each team to hold a laundry basket on top of their head. Then the other team members will try to toss the water balloons (from an age-appropriate distance of your choosing) into the baskets until time is up. Whichever team successfully gets the most balloons in their basket wins!
Biblical application: We must “aim” at God to make right decisions (Isaiah 50:10, Hosea 12:6, James 4:17).

  1. Snorkeler’s Relay

Materials: Two pairs of swimming goggles (with snorkel), two life vests, and two pairs of flippers, four cones, four water guns
Instructions: Use two cones to mark the starting place of each team and then place the other two cones 20-50 feet away to mark the “turn around” places. Then divide the kids into two teams and help the first person on each team put on the swimming goggles (without putting the snorkel in his or her mouth), a life vest, and flippers. Once the race begins, each child will race to their “turn around” cone and back to the starting cone. Also, adult volunteers will spray the children with the water guns as they “snorkel.” Then the next child in line will put on the equipment and repeat the same process until everyone has had a turn.
Biblical application: We need to “put on” our faith each day to be ready for what God has planned (Ephesians 6:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, 1 Peter 3:15).

  1. Kiddie Pool Lifeguard

Materials: small plastic pool, soft water toys or sponges, ten cones, timer
Instructions: Fill the pool with water and set each cone within a circle approximately 10 feet away from the pool. Then divide the water toys and place 2-3 at each cone. Ask a child to stand in the pool to be the “lifeguard” and tell the other children to stand behind the cones. Explain that everyone will try throwing the toys into the pool and the lifeguard will “save” the toys by throwing them back out. Set the timer for 2-3 minutes and then let another child be the lifeguard.
Biblical application: Jesus is our “lifeguard” and saves us from sin (Matthew 9:2, Acts 2:38, Acts 13:38)!

  1. All Out Water War

Materials: water guns or squirters, water balloons, ten cones
Instructions: Split the playing field down the middle by laying the cones in a straight line. Then divide the kids into two teams and designate a side of the playing field for each team. Allow the children to choose a water gun, squirter, or water balloons and explain that they have to stay on their team’s side while “attacking” the other team with water. Allow the children to play as long as the water, or their energy, lasts!
Biblical application: We are in a war with sin, so we must actively battle temptation (Matthew 26:41, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 2:11).

  1. Sprinkler Tag

Materials: large sprinkler, water hose, towels
Instructions: Place the sprinkler in the middle of the playing field and allow the children to play a game of tag while run through and around the sprinkler! The kids will get extremely wet with this game, so it’s probably a good idea to also have some towels on standby.
Biblical application: God wants to “soak” our hearts with his love through Jesus Christ (Psalm 117:2, Ephesians 2:4-5, 1 John 3:1).
We hope these ideas are helpful in your Vacation Bible School. Don’t miss our other kids water games and even our free VBS curriculum.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “5 Exciting VBS Water Games”

  1. I’ve been receiving your emails and following your suggestions for a few months now. Thank you for your inspirational ministry to us leaders and I thank God for such a resource so freely given to others. Its sound doctrine has gained my trust and enthusiasm.

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