4 Ways to Get Kids Reading the Bible

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4 Ways to Get Kids Reading the Bible
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) That’s a verse we live by, isn’t it? I take my responsibility to train up kids seriously but getting kids to love the Bible can be a challenge. Of course, once they dive off into God’s word, they can see for themselves how wonderful it is. Still, you’ll have to have a strategy if you want to get kids reading the Bible. Besides memory verse games, rewards and challenges, there are four more things you can do.
1. Send home a reading plan. If your kids are like mine, they scour the weekly bulletin I send home. Get kids involved in daily Bible reading by sending home a suggested reading plan. It’s a great idea to have everyone in your ministry reading the same thing! Even volunteers and teachers! Touch base with families and ask them about their progress. Give certificates to families who complete reading plans.
2. Read a verse out loud each time you get together. I love verse races! I use them each time we get together. I say, “Let’s turn to Genesis 2:1! When you get there, shout, ‘Hallelujah!” I coach kids, reminding them that they can use the Table of Contents if they need it. I also ask volunteers to help new kids. Always, always read a verse together during your time together.
3. Talk about the Bible and set an example. I tell my kids that the Bible is an “ancient book” that it is thousands of years old. I talk about the Bible with respect and treat my book lovingly. Kids never see me toss it around or treat it casually. It makes a difference. I’ve noticed my kids carrying and using there Bibles with love and respect.
4. Give Bible app suggestions. Want your kids to read the Bible more? Suggest some Bible apps to parents via the newsletter, Facebook or email. I recommend apps like YouVersion’s The Bible app, Beginner’s Bible or the NIV Adventure Bible app. Install them on your phone and show the kids how to use them.
You can train kids to read and love God’s word!
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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